Oñati International Series in Law and Society

Combining the legal and the social in sociology of law: An homage to Reza Banakar
Håkan Hydén, Roger Cotterrell, David Nelken, Ulrike Schultz
Oñati International Series in Law and Society – Hart - Bloomsbury
2023 - 496 - ISBN: 978-1-50995-938-9 (hardback), 978-1-50995-941-9 (online), 978-1-50995-940-2 (epdf)
Criminal Justice and The Ideal Defendant in the Making of Remorse and Responsibility
Stewart Field, Cyrus Tata
Oñati International Series in Law and Society – Hart - Bloomsbury
2023 - 336 - ISBN: 9781509939916 (Hardback), 9781509939923 (Epub & Mobi), 9781509939930 (Ebook PDF)
Supporting Legal Capacity in Socio-Legal Context
Rosie Harding, Mary Donnelly and Ezgi Tascioglu
Oñati International Series in Law and Society – Hart - Bloomsbury
2022 - 336 - ISBN: 9781509940349 (Hardback), 9781509940356 (Ebook - Epub and Mobi), 9781509940363 (Epub - PDF)
What is a family justice system for?
Mavis Maclean, Rachel Treloar, Bregje Dijksterhuis
Oñati International Series in Law and Society – Hart - Bloomsbury
2022 - 288 - ISBN: 9781509950973 (Hardback), 9781509950980 Ebook (Epub & Mobi), 9781509950997 Ebook (PDF)
Contesting Austerity
Anuscheh Farahat, Xabier Arzoz
Oñati International Series in Law and Society – Hart - Bloomsbury
2021 - 368 - ISBN: 9781509942817 (Hardback); 9781509942831 (PDF eBook); 9781509942824 (EPUB eBook)
Gender and careers in the legal academy
Ulrike Schultz, Gisela Shaw, Margaret Thornton, Rosemary Auchmuty
Oñati International Series in Law and Society – Hart - Bloomsbury
2021 - 592 - ISBN: 9781509923113 (Hardback), 9781509946648 (Paperback), 9781509923120 (Epub, Emobi), 9781509923137 (Ebook - PDF)
The Right to the Continuous Improvement of Living Conditions
Jessie Hohmann, Beth Goldblatt
Oñati International Series in Law and Society – Hart - Bloomsbury
2021 - 288 - ISBN: 9781509947836 (Hardback), 9781509947874 (Paperback), 9781509947843 (Epub - Ebook and Mobi), 9781509947850 (Ebook - PDF)
The Legacies of Institutionalisation: Disability, Law and Policy in the ‘Deinstitutionalised’ Community
Claire Spivakovsky, Linda Steele, Penelope Weller
Oñati International Series in Law and Society – Hart - Bloomsbury
2020 - 272 - ISBN: 9781509930746 (EPUB), 9781509930739 (HB), 9781509930753 (PDF Ebook)
Collective Bargaining and Collective Action
Julia López López
Oñati International Series in Law and Society – Hart - Bloomsbury
2019 - 312 - ISBN: 9781509923168 (hardback), 9781509923175 (EPUB), 9781509923182 (PDF)
Digital Family Justice: From Alternative Dispute Resolution to Online Dispute Resolution?
Mavis Maclean, Bregje Dijksterhuis
Oñati International Series in Law and Society – Hart - Bloomsbury
2019 - 256 - ISBN: 9781509928521 (Hb), 9781509928545 (PDF eBook), 9781509928538 (EPUB eBook)


The Oñati International Series in Law and Society is a prestigious book series that was established in 1996, first with Ashgate and, nowadays, with Bloomsbury-Hart. They are edited volumes of original research and theory in the socio-legal field.

Open Access:

Hart offers two routes to make content available in Open Access:

• Open access publication (‘gold open access’): The full eBook is made freely available on the Bloomsbury Collections platform under a Creative Commons licence that allows free access, sharing and re-use (the extent of re-use depends on the licence). Typically Hart will levy a book processing charge (BPC) – usually paid by your funder sponsor or institution – to cover costs of publication.

• Self-archiving (‘green open access’): If your book is published under standard (non-open access) terms, you can make a chapter freely available by archiving a digital copy in your funder or institution’s repository or social sharing site six months after publication. This can be deposited as an Accepted Manuscript or as the final Version of Record. Hart asks that when depositing your chapter you provide a link to the book’s web page on the Hart website.  Ahead of archiving your chapter on an institutional or subject repository please ensure that you have completed and returned this form to claire.weatherhead@bloomsbury.com. You can find more information here.

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Leire Kortabarria

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