Newsletter 51 2017-07

Oñati-IISL eNewsletter - eBoletín del IISJ-Oñati No. 51
2017 / 07
Letter from the Scientific Director

Vincenzo FerrariOver the past six months, the traditional activities of our Institute went on smoothly and, I dare to say, successfully.

The master course ended in March and our students are now busy with their final theses, which cover a variety of topics and deal with them under a variety of viewpoints and methods. Considering the projects approved, one can be confident that the quality of their final works will satisfy our expectations fully, keeping pace with our traditions.

Fifteen workshops have taken place from April to late July. They offered a terrific chance to go in-depth into a number of subjects of high scientific importance, which also occupy centre stage in social and political debates. A glance to the list of such events, in the following pages, confirms it clearly. We expect that their materials will come to enrich our publications, either as books or as contributions to the Oñati Socio-Legal Series. [+info]

International Master's in the Sociology of Law

28th International Master's in the Sociology of Law2017-2018 - 28th Master Programme still some few places available!

One-year programme (60 ECTS) taught entirely in English. Accredited by the UPV/EHU

13 two- week courses + Master's Thesis Research Project)

[+courses & teachers] [+Leaflet] [+Poster] [+Application procedures]

Remember you can also attend single courses of the programme

Further information


31 Jan 2018: Oñatiko Udala Grant [+info] [+application form]

9 Feb 2018: Call for 2019 Workshops [+info] [+application form]

9 Feb 2018: Socio-legal Master [+info] [+application form]

9 Feb 2018: Residence grants [+info] [+application form]

Sign in for our...

Newsletter if you do not receive it directly from the Institute [+form]

2016-2017 Programme

9-20 Jan.: Planning and Land
23 Jan-3 Feb.: Sociology of Law and the Economy
6-17 Feb.: Contentious Approaches to Global Law Making
9-20 Jan.: Planning and Land
Prof. Robert Home - University Anglia Ruskin [+]
23 Jan-3 Feb.: Sociology of Law and the Economy
Profs. Sol Picciotto - Lancaster University [+], Iagê Z. Miola - Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning – CEBRAP [+], David Monciardini - University of Exeter [+]
6-17 Feb.: Contentious Approaches to Global Law Making
Prof. Noé Cornago - University of the Basque Country [+]
20 Feb - 3 Mar: Social Theory of Law
6-17 Mar.: Criminal Justice: Global Perspectives
20-31 Mar.: Law and Anthropology
20 Feb-3 Mar: Social Theory of Law
Prof. Ralf Rogowski - University of Warwick [+]
6-17 Mar.: Criminal Justice: Global Perspectives
Prof. Jill Hunter - The University of New South Wales [+]
20-31 Mar.: Law and Anthropology
Prof. Martin Ramstedt - Max Plank Institute for Social Anthropology [+]

Students are now about to present their Master Theses. Good luck to all of you! [+info]

Leopoldo CruzLeopoldo Cruz (Mexico)

"Life is a continuous process of evolution.  The most widespread way that human beings have used is through knowledge.  The Master in Sociology of Law given by the International Institute of the Sociology of Law has become a key piece in my own evolution." [+info]

Patara McKeenPatara McKeen (Canada)

"My graduate studies in the Master’s in Sociology of Law program at the International Institute of the Sociology of Law in Oñati, Spain have challenged me to think logically and clearly and allowed me to apply my intellectual skills in the service of social change." [+info]

Dio Ashar WicaksanaDio Ashar Wicaksana (Indonesia)

"The good thing in the Institute is not only about academic things, but I really love with my experiences for living at the Antia Residence. I could live with really good people from another countries, cultures and background." [+info]

Conrad Lluis MartellMurat Aydin (The Netherlands)

"I have been recently accepted into a PhD programme in Max Planck Institute for the European Legal History. I believe that the M.A. degree I obtained in Oñati was helpful during application and selection process." [+info]

Conrad Lluis MartellUrsus Eijkelenbergl (The Netherlands)

"The Institute offers much more than a terrific intellectual journey, with each year an incredible and diverse team of professors and experts on wide ranging topics. Here widely diverging cultures and personalities are placed within a setting of ongoing interaction." [+info]


Student support fund

Donations are used to support our student grants [+], and are always very welcome.

Donate via Paypal or other options through our web page [+info]
2017 workshops programme
Comparative Perspectives on the Law and Practice of Limiting Offenders in Fundamental Rights Beyond Their Sentence

6-7 Apr: Comparative Perspectives on the Law and Practice of Limiting Offenders in Fundamental Rights Beyond Their Sentence
Chairs: Sonja Meijer (VU University Amsterdam)

"The aim of this workshop was to improve the legitimacy of decisions concerning the design and imposition of restrictions of fundamental rights of offenders beyond their sentences by developing an account of the principles and values that should guide and limit the state’s use of these restrictions. The discussions on the legal systems and practice of the different countries proved to be very fruitful and the participants aim to publish the results in a book." [+info] [+Programme]

La institucionalización de la mediación: potencialidades y riesgos

27-28 Apr: La institucionalización de la mediación: potencialidades y riesgos
Chairs: Alberto José Olalde (Facultad de Relaciones Laborales y Trabajo Social – Campus Araba), Jacques Faget (Director emérito de investigación, Centro Émile Durkheim, Université de Bordeaux)

"Acudieron 27 personas expertas procedentes de Francia, Bélgica, Portugal, Suiza y España (Catalunya y Euskadi), provenientes del ámbito universitario, profesional de la mediación y jurídico. El Seminario fue apoyado económicamente por el Departamento de Trabajo y Justicia del Gobierno Vasco. " [+info] [+Programme]

When the Exception becomes the rule: European Union Societies on the move

4-5 May: When the Exception becomes the rule: European Union Societies on the move
Chairs: Wanda Capeller (Sciences Po Toulouse), Maria João Guia (University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research (UCILeR), António Casimiro Ferreira (University of Coimbra Centre for Social Studies), Valsamis Mitsilegas (Queen Mary London)

"I could be there for years, living of academic debates, it is the perfect place for organizing an international workshop – nothing at all is out solution! On the contrary, there we feel the academic pleasures of building knowledge. I am surely engaging again in organizing another workshop in IISJ Oñati! All my gratitude to IISJ and their incredible members!" [+info] [+Programme]

Feminist Judgments: Comparative Socio-Legal Perspectives on Judicial Decision Making and Gender Justice

11-12 May: Feminist Judgments: Comparative Socio-Legal Perspectives on Judicial Decision Making and Gender Justice
Chairs: Bridget J. Crawford (Pace University School of Law), Kathryn M. Stanchi (Temple University Beasley School of Law), Linda L. Berger (UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law)

"Although the principal investigators of each Feminist Judgments project had been generally aware of each other's work, this productive workshop in Oñati was the first time that they met together as a group.  This workshop generated several ideas for future cross-national collaboration. As a result of the workshop conversations, the participants will be better able to embark on long-term, global efforts to envision and enact a feminist vision of equal justice across the boundaries of culture, race, and gender." [+info] [+Programme]

El modelo europeo de justicia restaurativa con menores: un reto para Euskadi // The European Model for Restorative Justice with Children and Young People: a challenge for the Basque Country

18 May: El modelo europeo de justicia restaurativa con menores: un reto para Euskadi // The European Model for Restorative Justice with Children and Young People: a challenge for the Basque Country
Chairs: Tim Chapman (Course Director of the Restorative Practices Masters at the University of Ulster. Chair of the Board of the European Forum for Restorative Justice), Roberto Moreno (Responsable del Servicio de Justicia de Adultos. Departamento de Trabajo y Justicia. Gobierno Vasco. Miembro del Board del European Forum for Restorative Justice)

"The attendants of the workshop were mainly  the workers of the Juvenile Justice System in the Basque Country, including the Justice Director and the Vice minister of Justice, who had the opportunity to learn  from the research of the European Model and broaden the scope from mediation to Restorative Justice including circles and conferencing in a practical way." [+info] [+Programme]

La transformación de las enseñanzas jurídicas y criminológicas desde las Clínicas por la Justicia Social

25-26 May: La transformación de las enseñanzas jurídicas y criminológicas desde las Clínicas por la Justicia Social
Chairs: Juana Goizueta Vértiz (Facultad de Derecho – Universidad del País Vasco), Mª Ángeles Barrère Unzueta (Facultad de Derecho – Universidad del País Vasco)

" reunieron 35 personas de diferentes universidades del Estado español y Latinoamérica, y se abordaron algunos de los frentes abiertos que tienen hoy por hoy las clínicas jurídicas por la justicia social [...] Las numerosas y plurales intervenciones supusieron un importante paso adelante en todos estos desafíos y el buen ambiente reinante, el marco del IISJ y la excelente organización, contribuyeron no poco al éxito de la tarea.. " [+info] [+Programme]

Penal welfarism - myths and realities?

1-2 Jun: Penal welfarism - myths and realities?
Chairs: Kjersti Ericsson (University of Oslo), Sverre Flaatten (Oslo Police University College), Per Jørgen Ystehede (University of Oslo)

"The Coordinators would like to thank the Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology for financially supporting the seminar  The participants are planning to continue working together as a group, with the aim of publishing a book. Many thanks to the IISL for hosting us in beautiful Oñati and arranging everything perfectly!" [+info] [+Programme]

The Ombudsman and Administrative Justice: From Promise to Performance

8-9 Jun: The Ombudsman and Administrative Justice: From Promise to Performance
Chairs: Marc Hertogh (University of Groningen), Richard Kirkham (University of Sheffield)

"Organizing an academic workshop at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISJ) in Oñati was a very enjoyable and rewarding experience. The idea for the workshop took shape when both us were discussing the remarkable mismatch between the importance of the ombudsman in practice and in academic research." [+info] [+Programme]

Meeting of the International Interdisciplinary Research Consortium on Cybercrime

15-16 Jun: Meeting of the International Interdisciplinary Research Consortium on Cybercrime
Chairs: Thomas J. Holt (Michigan State University), Scott Decker (Arizona State University)

"The participants discussed the value of existing theories of crime and victimization to account for cybercrimes, and the limits of our insights to date.  The workshop participants discussed ways that the research consortium can continue to grow, and draw in participants from the technical sciences to help shape the agenda of the group moving forward." [+info] [+Programme]

Penal welfarism - myths and realities?

22-23 Jun: Models of collective bargaining and Labour Law
Chairs: Julia López López (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

"The group of participants in this workshop included scholars from Israel, Norway , UK, Germany, Catalunya, the Canary Islands, Galicia and the Basque Country.  All of the participants agreed that the Workshop was a wonderful experience. Thank you to all the members of the Oñati Institute for the support and friendship and for your superb contribution to both the scholarly community and society writ large." [+info] [+Programme]

Specifying and Securing a Social Minimum

29-30 Jun: Specifying and Securing a Social Minimum
Chairs: Michael Adler (University of Edinburgh), Jeff King (University College London), Sara Stendahl (University of Gothenburg)

There was general agreement that the papers were of a high quality and that the discussions that were extremely stimulating. The organisers are currently canvassing the opinions of those who took part on whether to submit a proposal to publish some or all the workshop papers as an edited book or in an issue of Oñati’s e-journal [+info] [+Programme]

Penal welfarism - myths and realities?

6-7 Jul: Procesos constituyentes en nuestra América. Diálogos, análisis y perspectivas desde la teoría jurídica crítica
Chairs: Víctor Manuel Moncayo (Instituto Latinoamericano para una Sociedad y un Derecho Alternativos, ILSA), Freddy Ordóñez Gómez (Instituto Latinoamericano para una Sociedad y un Derecho Alternativos, ILSA)

"Los asistentes consideran que los análisis presentados en el workshop obligan a mayores compromisos por parte de académicos e investigadores, de allí que se proponga la continuación de los debates y reflexiones que se dieron durante los dos días." [+info] [+Programme]

Penal welfarism - myths and realities?

13-14 Jul: La desaparición forzada de personas: circulación transnacional y usos sociales de una categoría del derecho humanitario
Chairs: Gabriel Gatti (Universidad del País Vasco), María Martínez (UPV y Universidad de California en Sta. Bárbara), Ignacio Irazuzta (Tec de Monterrey)

"En ese objetivo, la reunión se organizó en una modalidad distinta en algunos aspectos a las tradiciones académicas de este tipo de eventos: no fue una sucesión de presentaciones sino la exposición abierta de varios trabajos colectivos, también abiertos, los asociados con cinco retos de investigación, asuntos de naturaleza diversa (desde metodológica a teórica, pasando por ética o disciplinaria) para los que la desaparición constituye un problema!" [+info] [+Programme]

2018 workshop calendar
The workshop programme for next year is already closed. Check the full programme [+info]

Calendario workshops 2018
El programa de workshops del año que viene ya está cerrado. Consúltalo [+info]

Curso de verano: ¿Crisis de las profesiones jurídicas en un mundo en transformación? Dinámicas locales y transnacionales

Curso de verano: ¿Crisis de las profesiones jurídicas en un mundo en transformación? Dinámicas locales y transnacionales Curso de verano: ¿Crisis de las profesiones jurídicas en un mundo en transformación? Dinámicas locales y transnacionales Inauguración del curso de verano Lurdes Maiztegui González, decana del Colegio de Abogados de Gipuzkoa, Javier García Pascual, decano del Colegio de Abogados de Bizkaia, Vincenzo Ferrari, director IISJ, Mª Jesús San José López, Consejera de Trabajo y Justicia del Gobierno Vasco, Mikel Biain Berraondo, alcalde del Ayuntamiento de Oñati, Aitzol Asla Uribe, Junta de Gobierno del Colegio de Abogados de Bizkaia, Joxerramon Bengoetxea, UPV/EHU, ehuGune
Latest publications

Oñati International Series in Law and Society

Temporary Labour Migration in the Global Era: The Regulatory Challenges. Eds. Joanna Howe & Rosemary Owens

Human Rights Encounter Legal Pluralism. Normative and Empirical Approaches

Eds. Giselle Corradi, Eva Brems, Mark Goodale

This collection of essays interrogates how human rights law and practice acquire meaning in relation to legal pluralism, ie, the co-existence of more than one regulatory order in a same social field. As a social phenomenon, legal pluralism exists in all societies. As a legal construction, it is characteristic of particular regions, such as post-colonial contexts. [+info]

Table of contents - Introduction: Giselle Corradi - Book order at a 20% discount

Life Imprisonment and Human Rights. Dirk van Zyl Smit, Catherine Appleton

Trust in International Police and Justice Cooperation

Eds: Saskia Hufnagel, Carole McCartney

The use of extra-territorial intelligence is growing among security, border, and public agencies. Internationally, rapidly evolving efforts to tackle transnational crime entail the exchange of intelligence across jurisdictions and state borders as well as the 'linking' of law enforcement operations. This book provides a number of different perspectives from across Europe, Australasia and Canada to examine recent cooperation experiences and the challenges faced in practice. [+info]

Table of Contents - Introduction: Saskia Hufnagel & Carole McCartney - Book order at a 20% discount

Qualis A2 Level in Brazil

We are very proud to tell you that our journal has been included in the A2 level for law journals.

Thank you to everyone who has worked to make this possible!

Oñati Socio-Legal Series

Vol. 6, n. 5 (Special issue): Investigations - Investigaciones - Ikerlanak

Yolanda García Ruiz: The Withdrawal of Health Care from Irregular Immigrants and Medical Conscientious Objection [+PDF]

Miren Manias-Muñoz: The Impact of a Legal Framework on National Film Industry: an Approach to Basque-Language Cinema [+PDF]

Naayeli E. Ramírez Espinosa, Antonino Santiago Isidro: Procesos de Consulta Transparentes: la Construcción del Acuerdo en Las Flores, Mecatlán, Veracruz (Transparent consultation processes: Building agreements in Las Flores, Mecatlán, Veracruz) [+PDF]

Mariana Zuleta Ferrari: Trust in Legal Institutions: an Empirical Approach from a Social Capital Perspective [+PDF]

Book reviews

Sue Farran, Esin Örücü and Sean Patrick Donlan. A Study of Mixed Legal Systems: Endangered, Entrenched or Blended. [+PDF]

Sally Engle Merry, Kevin E. Davis and Benedict Kingsbury, eds. The Quiet Power of Indicators, Measuring Governance, Corruption and Rule of Law. [+PDF]

Bill Bowring. Law, Rights and Ideology in Russia. Landmarks in the destiny of a great power. [+PDF]

Kaius Tuori. Lawyers and Savages; Ancient History and Legal Realism in the Making of Legal Anthropology. [+PDF]

Mark Tushnet. Advanced Introduction to Comparative Constitutional Law. [+PDF]

Vol. 6, n. 6 (Special issue): Radically Rethinking Marriage

Issue edited by Profs. Nicola Barker (Kent Law School) and Suzanne Lenon (University of Lethbridge).

Nicola Barker, Suzanne Lenon: Radically Rethinking Marriage: Introduction [+PDF]

Rosemary Auchmuty: The Limits of Marriage Protection: in Defence of Property Law [+PDF]

Sharon Thompson: In Defence of the ‘Gold-Digger’ [+PDF]

Nicola Barker: Rethinking Conjugality as the Basis for Family Recognition: A Feminist Rewriting of the Judgment in Burden v. United Kingdom [+PDF]

Sally Goldfarb: Divorcing Marriage from Sex: Radically Rethinking the Role of Sex in Marriage Law in the United States [+PDF]

Elsje Bonthuys: A Patchwork of Marriages: The Legal Relevance of Marriage in a Plural Legal System [+PDF]

Suzanne Lenon: Intervening in the Context of White Settler Colonialism: West Coast LEAF, Gender Equality and the Polygamy Reference +PDF]

Christian Klesse: Marriage, Law and Polyamory. Rebutting Mononormativity with Sexual Orientation Discourse? [+PDF]

Jennifer Koshan: Marriage and Advance Consent to Sex: A Feminist Judgment in R v JA [+PDF]

Ummni Khan: Take My Breath Away: Competing Contexts Between Domestic Violence, Kink and The Criminal Justice System in R. v. J.A. [+PDF]

Vol. 7, n. 1 (January-March): Derechos Reproductivos y Reproducción Asistida. Género, Diversidad Sexual y Familias en Plural

Número editado por Marisa Herrera (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Natalia de la Torre (Universidad de Buenos Aires) y Agustina Pérez (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

P. Benavente Moreda. Los Errores de Legislar en Paralelo: La Problemática Aplicación de las Reglas sobre Filiación (Determinación, Acciones de Reclamación e Impugnación) en la Filiación Derivada del Uso de Técnicas de Reproducción Humana Asistida. [+PDF]

A. Pérez, D. Zaikoski Biscay. Familias, Cambios Normativos y Representaciones Sociales de alumnos/as de Derecho. [+PDF]

S. Penasa. La Salud de la Mujer y las Técnicas de Procreación Asistida: el Marco Legal Italiano: entre la Rigidez de la Ley y Actuación de los Jueces. [+PDF]

A. Guzmán Ávalos, M.C. Valdés Martínez. Voluntad Procreacional. [+PDF]

M. Herrera, N. de la Torre, N., M. Scardino. Indagaciones Socio Jurídicas sobre Técnicas de Reproducción Humana Asistida al Campo Legislativo. La Experiencia Argentina. [+PDF]

F.J. de la Fuente Linares. La Seguridad Social a Parejas del Mismo Sexo en la República Mexicana. [+PDF]

I. Alkorta Idiakez, E. Farnós Amorós. Anonimato del Donante y Derecho a Conocer: un Difícil Equilibrio. [+PDF]

A.M. Rodríguez Guitián. Reflexiones Acerca del Papel de la Mujer en la Reproducción Artificial Post Mortem. [+PDF]

A. Pérez. Gestación por Sustitución y Licencias por Maternidad/Paternidad. La Agenda de Cuidado a la Luz de la Jurisprudencia Española y la Perspectiva Argentina. [+PDF]

M.V. Ruiz Balcázar, M.C. Valdés Martínez. Dilemas sobre la Maternidad Subrogada en México. [+PDF]

Vol. 7, n. 2 (April-June): 'Moving On'? Official Responses to Mass Harm and the Question of Justice

Issue edited by Jennifer Balint (The University of Melbourne), Julie Evans (The University of Melbourne), Mark McMillan (RMIT University) and Nesam McMillan (The University of Melbourne)

Jennifer Balint, Julie Evans, Mark McMillan, Nesam McMillan: Introduction: ‘Moving On’? Official Responses to Mass Harm and the Question of Justice [+PDF]

Oz Frankel: Vulnerable Populations, Social Investigations, and Epistemic Justice in Early Victorian Britain [+PDF]

Francesca Dominello: Political Apologies and their Challenges in Achieving Justice for Indigenous Peoples in Australia and Canada [+PDF]

Jaco Barnard-Naudé: ‘Grace Gets Angry’, or the ‘Tactics’ of Forgiveness: the Biopolitics of Reconciliation in the Postcolony [+PDF]

Maria Rae: Truth at Any Cost? Law’s Power to Name Argentina’s Disappeared Grandchildren [+PDF]

Agata Fijalkowski, Sigrun L. Valderhaug: Legal Decisions, Affective Justice, and ‘Moving On?’ [+PDF]

Sortuz: call for papers

Open call for papers all year round
To be considered for the 2nd issue of 2017, please submit the papers through our on-line system before August 20, 2017. [+info]

Convocatoria abierta todo el año
P ara ser considerados para el segundo número de 2017 de Sortuz, los artículos se deben enviar a través de nuestro sistema en línea antes del 20 de agosto de 2017.  [+info]


Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-legal Studies: Vol. 8, n. 2 (2016)


Jose M. Atiles-Osoria: Crímenes de Estado Colonial: Apuntes para el Desarrollo de un Concepto Socio-Jurídico [+PDF]

Fernando Tapia Alberdi: «Normal eta Patologiko» Delakoen Arteko Bereizketa Durkheimiarra [+PDF]

María Eugenia Gastiazoro: El Discurso Jurídico y la Disputa por el Poder de Juzgar en un Caso con Participación de Jurados Populares [+PDF]

Osvaldo Agustín Marcón, Claudia Sandra Krmpotic: Las Buropatías como Límites al Acceso a Justicia en el Sistema Judicial Penal Juvenil de Santa Fe, Argentina [+PDF]

Romina Lerussi, Romina Anahí Sckmunck: Colonialidad del Derecho [+PDF]

Pablo Barbetta, Gaston Godoy Garraza, Walter Mioni: Cultura Jurídica, Producción de Verdad y Conflictos Territoriales. Disputas Recientes por la Tenencia Legal de la Tierra Rural en la Provincia de Salta, Argentina [+PDF]


Berta Díaz Arbesú: The Observatory on Gender-Based Violence in Bizkaia (OVGB): An Experience of Good Practices [+PDF]

Library and Documentation Centre

IISL Library online catalogThank you to all the donors who have sent us their publications:

Alessandra Vincenti, Ana Cristina González Vélez, Barbara Troncarelli, Ben Semple, Benedetta Polini, Carlos Lista, Claudio Baraldi, Corrado Roversi, Elena Pribytkova, Elisabeth Alber, Fabrizio Pappalardo, Francesca Scamardella, Germano Schwartz, Gianfrancesco Zanetti, Guido Maggioni, Isabella Quadrelli, Jill Hunter, Joxerramon Bengoetxea, Lorenzo Scillitani, Lucero Ibarra, Lucio D'Alessandro, M. Paola Mittica, Manuel Ignacio Bernales Pacheco, Manuel Calvo García, Marcello Dei, Maria Ausilia Simonelli, Maria Carmen Belloni, Maria Giulia Bernardini, Marleen Weulen Kranenberg, Michele Della Morte, Mónica Acosta, Orlando Aragón Andrade, Orlando Roselli, Paola Ronfani, Pedro López, Peter Drahos, Sabina Rapari, Sarah Blandy, Silvia Zorzetto, Sol Picciotto, Stefano Anastasia, Teresa Picontó Novales, Thomas Casadei, Valerio Belotti, Vincenzo Ferrari.

Eurobask (Europako Mugimenduaren Euskal Kontseilua), G. Giappichelli Editore, Instituto de Derechos Humanos Pedro Arrupe, Servicio editorial del Gobierno Vasco, Springer Publishing, Universidad de Deusto (Instituto de Derechos Humanos).

[+Access the library catalogue]

Oñati Udala Grant

IISL Library online catalog The 2017 Oñati Udala grant has been awarded ex aequo to Francisco Vertiz, for a project entitled "La intervención estatal en la producción social del espacio urbano. Los alcances y las potencialidades de la regulación urbana en Oñati (2007-2016)", and Patara McKeen, for "Towards understanding Basque identity. Perceptions on Pakistani inmigration, citizenship and culture in Gipuzkoa, the Basque Country".

Helburua Oñatiko herriari ekarpena egiten dioten Gizarte Zientzien eta Zuzenbidearen alorreko ikerketa proiektuak sustatzea da.
Epemuga: Urtarrilak 31 [+info]

Social science and Law-related projects contributing to the town of Oñati and with a close relation to the socio-legal aspects of local self-government, civic activity and/or national identity will be funded. Deadline: January 31 [+info]

Oñati Institute Seminar Series

Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui: Competition law through an ordoliberal lens. 17 Jan [+info]

Daniela Gaddi: Reflexive mediation as a mechanism of social regulation. 8 Mar [+info]

Oñati Community in LSA Meeting, 2017, 21 June, Mexico

Oñati Community in LSA Meeting, Mexico

The Oñati Sessions aimed to open a new window of interaction between the IISL and the socio-legal community in general. The papers in this session introduced us to different incluences of globalization in local contexts, showcasing the richness of the research currently carried by the Oñati Community.

Chaired by Prof. Masayuki Murayama [+info]

Recent Visitors to the Institute / Han visitado el Instituto

You will find an unique atmosphere to research or write, with the best Library and Documentation Center [+] on Law and Society to make research

Disfruta de un ambiente único para investigar o escribir, en la mejor Biblioteca y Centro de Documentación [+] sobre sociología jurídica para desarrollar tu investigación

Residence Grants / Becas de residencia

Sophie ArndtSophie Arndt (Germany): 2017/01/2017 - 2017/03/13

"... me he beneficiado mucho de la excelente biblioteca del IISJ. También han sido muy útiles las charlas con otros “visiting scholars” sobre nuestro trabajo. No siempre es fácil encontrar a personas que trabajen en un ámbito como la sociología jurídica. En este sentido, ha sido una experiencia muy enriquecedora estar en un sitio cuyo objetivo es la promoción de la investigación de “lo jurídico” desde una perspectiva no solo jurídica." [+info]

Fanny Ekaterina Montes GuzmánFanny Ekaterina Montes Guzmán (Colombia): 2017/02/06 - 2017/03/31

"Para mí el  IISJ y Oñate constituyen un lugar ideal para estudiar y desarrollar investigaciones. Desde el personal que siempre está dispuesto a proporcionar la ayuda necesaria, hasta los espacios físicos como la universidad, la biblioteca y la residencia, que son lugares  para convivir y compartir ideas  con otros investigadores y estudiantes." [+info]

Visiting scholars / Investigadores visitantes

Conrad Lluis MartellConrad Lluis Martell (Pompeu Fabra University): 2017/02/03 - 2017/02/08

"In this sense, during my stay at the ISSL I have written important parts of the methodological chapter of my doctoral thesis. Moreover, I’ve used my stay at the ISSL to prepare a series of interviews with politicians and activists in Madrid – where I travelled to after my stay at the Basque Country." [+info]

Linda Della RagioneLinda Della Ragione (Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea): 2017/02/20 - 2017/03/15

"During this time I have advanced my research, specifically the part of the project which deals with gender stereotypes in the media and the impact they have on individuals and society. The Institute is always the best place where to find great inspiration." [+info]

Shane ChalmersShane Chalmers (Australian National University): 2016/09/26 - 2017/03/29

"I am visiting the IISL in Oñati as an Australian Endeavour Research Fellow. The purpose of this six-month Fellowship is to complete the first stage of a postdoctoral project that examines the life of ‘the rule of law’ in four contexts: political transition, global capitalism, irregular migration, and environmental change. " [+info]

Margarita Isabel Ramos QuintanaMargarita Isabel Ramos Quintana (Universidad de La Laguna, Spain): 2017/04/24 - 2017/05/25

"At the Antia Residence, the stay has been very pleasant too, sharing the experience of living with other visiting scholars and students. I am grateful to the staff of the Institute for their kindness and, finally, I would like to thank to the Scientific Director, Vincenzo Ferrari, for his generosity and permanent kindness making my stay in Oñati very pleasant." [+info]

Pedro Javier Barrera VarelaPedro Javier Barrera Varela (Universidad Externado): 2017/05/23 - 2017/05/26

"Me encuentro muy complacido de visitar el IISJ, su magnífica biblioteca, la confortable residencia y la hospitalidad de las gentes de Oñati, sin duda un lugar muy apropiado para realizar una estancia de investigación. De hecho, quiero regresar por un tiempo más largo para obtener mejor provecho del IISJ." [+info]

Juan Martín LibrandiJuan Martín Librandi (Universidad de Buenos Aires): 2017/05/01 - 2017/05/31

"Durante mi estancia en el IISL he desarrollado tareas vinculadas a mis diversas areas de trabajo. Gracias a la biblioteca avancé significativamente en el trabajo para mi tesis doctoral vinculado a la utilización de estadisticas como lenguaje en el campo sociosanitario, y en particular en las politicas publicas. " [+info]

Sofía Anahí AguilarSofía Anahí Aguilar (Universidad de Buenos Aires): 2017/05/01 - 2017/05/31

"Me propongo explorar las compatibilidades que pueda haber entre ambos modos de investigación para ser aplicados a la filosofía del derecho y a la teoría del Estado. Durante la estancia en el Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica he utilizado la biblioteca, que ha sido crucial para ampliar mis fuentes bibliográficas y continuar con mi trabajo. " [+info]

Julie Marcela Daza RojasJulie Marcela Daza Rojas (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba): 2017/06/01 - 2017/06/09

"Especially the procedure, taking into account that there are special rules for the process when the victim is a child, therefore an understanding of this type of processes will allow to see how the rules are appropriated by all those involved and will allow to evaluate the Sub rules, interpretations and speeches that are built in legal practice." [+info]

Orlando RoselliOrlando Roselli (Università degli Studi di Firenze): 2017/06/14 - 2017/06/24

"Studio il rapporto tra diritto e letteratura ed il ruolo della cultura giuridica nella comprensione della dimensione giuridica in un’epoca di transizione. Sono altresì alla ricerca del contributo che la grande letteratura e la cultura giuridica svolgono nella individuazione dei profili identitari con particolare riferimento alla costruzione della identità europea." [+info]

Jan WinczorekJan Winczorek (University of Warsaw): 2017/06/10 - 2017/06/24

"IISL proved to be a perfect place for such an undertaking. While Institute's excellent library provided me with all necessary readings, the celebrated ambience of Onati and its surrounding nature helped me to reach the state of mind needed for effective academic work." [+info]

Ihintza PalacínIhitza Palacín (European University Institute - EUI): 2017/07/17 - 2017/07/21

"The aim of my visit to the IISL Library was to help me draw part of my PhD research. I work on linguistic minorities and I needed to create the theoretical framework of my project. Since Basque language is my case study and I use a socio-legal approach, the IISL Library perfectly fitted what I was looking for." [+info]

Daniela Gaddi
Diana Mireya Pedraza González
Tiago Oliveira Moreira

Daniela Gaddi (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
2017/03/07 - 2017/03/09

Diana Mireya Pedraza González (Universidad Externado, Colombia)
2017/05/02 - 2017/05/07

Tiago Oliveira Moreira (Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)
2017/05/25 - 2017/05/26

Sana Affara
Pedro Caeiro
Alberto Abad Suárez Ávila

Sana Affara (York University)
2017/06/01 - 2017/06/14

Pedro Caeiro (University of Coimbra)
2017/06/11 - 2017/06/23

Alberto Abad Suárez Ávila (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
2017/06/26 - 2017/07/06

  • Valeria Vázquez Guevara (University of Notre Dame, USA), 2016/12/19 - 2016/12/23
  • Emiliano Jerónimo Buis (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) 2017/02/17 - 2017/02/20
  • Ines Reiling (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany) 2017/02/27 - 2017/03/04
  • Matthias Peitsch (University of Bremen, Germany) 2017/02/27 - 2017/03/04
  • Eleonora Jalile (Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, Argentina) 2017/05/17 - 2017/05/21
  • Carlos Lista   (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina) 2017/07/10 - 2016/07/15
Call for papers: The Rhetoric of Populism: How to Give Voice to the People?

Possible contributors: Researchers in the field of Linguistics, Literature Studies, Legal, Political and Social Theory

A paper proposal (approx. 450 words) can be sent to the editors before the 1st of September.

Please send a proposal for the first part to Ingeborg van der Geest ; for the second part to Bart van Klink ; and for the third part to Henrike Jansen [+info]

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Leire Kortabarria

IISJ (Publicaciones)
Avenida de la Universidad, 8
Apartado 28
20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa) - Spain
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