Mestre, Ruth

University of Valencia (Spain)


Ruth M. Mestre i Mestre is member of the Institut de drets humans de la Universitat de València and academic director of the legal clinic program. She holds a PHD in Law from the University of Valencia, and she is master in sociology of law (IISJ-Oñati) and master in legal theory (Académie Eiuropéene de theorie du droit, Brussels). She has been Marie-Curie fellow at the Centre for research in ethnic relations at the University of Warwick (UK).

Her fields of research are Feminist legal theory, citizenship and migration and VAW. She is part of the European Network of Experts in the field of Gender Equality. She has participated iin many international and national research projects in the field of migration, rights of women, traffiking, cultural diversity and FGM/C. With S. Jonhsdotter coordinated recently FGM in Europe: An analysis of Court Cases, a report published by the European Commision-Directorate General-Justice (2016). Her publications include: “GJ vs Spain and access to justice for victims of Human Trafficking”, Strasbourg Observers BLOG, 2016; “La protección cuando se trata de trata en el Estado español”, Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana (Brasil, 2011); with S. Johnsdotter, “FGM in Europe: public discourse versus empirical evidence, International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 2017; with Yanira Zúñiga (coords): Democracia y Participación política de las mujeres. Visiones desde Europa y América Latina, Tirant lo Blanch, València 2013.