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Dear readers,
Now that we are all navigating this sudden downturn brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is directly afflicting so many people and entire countries, at the IISL we are taking this opportunity to thank all the warmth and sympathy that we have received from so many of you - these are messages that we are all so grateful for, which show that the IISL and its many friends are a close-knit community all around the world. We truly hope that each and every one of you are in good health, as well as your loved ones; and, second, that you are all being able to continue working, researching, and teaching even if the circumstances are less than favourable. The IISL team has been working at home for nearly three weeks now (you can read more about our recent adjustments here). Personally, as manager of the IISL's publications, I'm happy to report that the publishing programme for this year is still being fulfilled, and proof of it is this second issue of Oñati Socio-Legal Series vol. 10, entitled El género de los sistemas penales juveniles: Debates necesarios. It is a special issue edited by Laura López-Gallego, Cecilia Montes-Maldonado, and Encarna Bodelón-González, and is a result of the presentations and interactions that took place in a 2018 interdisciplinary workshop. It includes articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, and they all make up a rich and multifaceted mosaic of up-to-date reflections about application of criminal law to adolescents, especially female. As usual, since our work depends largely on diffusion of its results, we encourage you to read and share these papers. We also want to share with you some excellent, recent news: in addition to the inclusion of Oñati Socio-Legal Series in the Web of Science's ESCI, we have just been informed that our application for indexation in Elsevier's Scopus has been approved and, in due course, our journal articles will be fully incorporated in the Scopus database. With this new accolade, we have fulfilled our twofold goal for the 2019-2020 term, which was becoming part of the two major databases in social sciences, and in scientific publications in general, currently available. The IISL Publications continue to make its invitation to participate extensive to all socio-legal academics, and we will be very happy to receive your articles, as well as to respond to your queries via email. Thank you. Best wishes, Leire |
April 2020 - Issue edited by Laura López-Gallego (Universidad de la República, Uruguay), Cecilia Montes-Maldonado (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) and Encarna Bodelón-González (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona).. Laura López-Gallego, Cecilia Montes-Maldonado, Encarna Bodelón-González: Introduction. El género de los sistemas penales juveniles: Debates necesarios (The Gender of Juvenile Criminal Systems: Necessary Debates) [+PDF] Jalusa Silva de Arruda, Natasha Maria Wangen Krahn: Juvenile Justice and Punishment of Girls in Brazil: Knowledge Production and Research Perspectives [+PDF] Andrea Cristina Coelho Scisleski, Giovana Barbieri Galeano: Meninas violando a lei: uma discussão das políticas e das medidas socioeducativas no Brasil (Girls Violating the Law: A Discussion of Socio-Educational Policies and Measures in Brazil) [+PDF] Laura López-Gallego: Gendered Punishment Practices Performed on Female Adolescents in their Passage through the Uruguayan Juvenile Justice System [+PDF] Nathali Estevez Grillo, Carla Cristina Garcia: Fuerza para subir, coraje en el descenso: un estudio sobre la resistencia de las niñas en medida socioeducativa de internación en Brasil (Strength to Go Up, Courage on the Way Down: A Study About Girls’ Resistance to the Socio-Educational Measure...) [+PDF] Cecilia Montes-Maldonado: Cuidados como categoría de análisis y orientación de las medidas socioeducativas para adolescentes en Uruguay (Care as an analysis category and orientation about socio-educational measures for adolescents in Uruguay) [+PDF] Maria Cristina Gonçalves Vicentin, Daniel Adolpho Daltin Assis: Niñas en el sistema de justicia brasileño: El necesario debate sobre los derechos sexuales y reproductivos (Girls in the Brazilian Justice System: The Necessary Debate on Sexual and Reproductive Rights) [+PDF] Natasha Maria Wangen Krahn, Jalusa Silva de Arruda, Jussara Carneiro Costa: Conjugal Visits in the Context of Incarceration of Women and Girls in the State of Bahia, Brazil: Permissions, Prohibitions and (In)Visibilities [+PDF] Ricardo Gallego Córcoles, Raquel Bartolome Gutiérrez: El efecto del género en la toma de decisiones en el sistema de Justicia Juvenil (The Effect of Gender on Decision-Making in the Juvenile Justice System) [+PDF] Estibaliz De Miguel Calvo, Lohitzune Zuloaga Lojo: Primeros eslabones de la criminalización a mujeres: detención policial a mujeres en la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi (CAE) (First Steps in the Criminalization of Women: Police Detention of Women in the Basque Autonomous Community) [+PDF] María José Bernuz Beneitez, María A. González-Álvarez: La influencia del desarrollo moral de los adolescentes en su comportamiento antisocial autorreportado: El caso de las adolescentes (The Influence of Moral Reasoning of Adolescents in Their Self-Reported Antisocial Behaviour: The Case of Girls) [+PDF] Ricardo Rodríguez Luna: Violencia y masculinidad en México: el caso del homicidio en la juventud (Violence and Masculinity in Mexico: The Case of Homicide in Youth) [+PDF] |