University Anglia Ruskin (Cambridge, UK)
Robert Home is Professor in Land Management at the Law School, Anglia Ruskin University, UK. His qualifications are MA from Cambridge University, PhD (London School of Economics), DipTP (Oxford Brookes University) and member of the Royal Town Planning Institute. His research interests are in the area of planning and land management, with a strong international focus. He has both academic and professional experience in law and land management (including land readjustment and post-disaster humanitarian issues). He has undertaken consultancies in Africa, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, and been visiting professor at universities in Japan, South Africa, Zambia. Israel and at the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy (Harvard). At the Onati Institute he co-convened a workshop in 2005 on 'Squatters and settlers: rethinking ownership, occupation and use in land law', and presented papers at a conference in 2011 and at two workshops, on 'Indignation, Socio-economic Inequality and the Role of Law' (2013) and 'Law, urban space and social justice'(2014).
His books include Essays in African Land Law and Case Studies in African Land Law (editor, 2012),Demystifying The Mystery of Capital: Land Titling in Africa and the Caribbean (2004); Of planting and planning: The making of British colonial cities (2nd ed. 2013); Land rights for informal settlements: Community control and the single point cadastre in South Africa (1997); ‘Turning fish soup into fish': Towards new land and property markets in Bulgaria (1996); and Planning Use Classes (2nd ed., 1989). His research has also been published in the International Journal of Law in the Built Environment, Journal of Law and Society, Journal of African Law, Journal of Legal Pluralism, Land Use Policy, Town Planning Review, Journal of Commonwealth Law & Legal Education, Social & Legal Studies, and Habitat International