
Università degli Studi di Perugia (Italy)


Tamar Pitch is Professor of Legal Philosophy and Sociology of Law at the University of Perugia  Law Department. She has had teaching appointments at the University of Florence and the University of Camerino, and has also taught at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law at Onati (Spain), the Universitad del Litoral and the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), New York University (USA), the Universidad Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico), and the University of Regina (Canada).

She has degrees from the University of Florence, Italy, and the University of Connecticut, USA and she has been a Fulbright Fellow and Wolfson Scholar. She is the director of the journal “Studi sulla Questione Criminale”, and is a frequent contributor to other Italian and foreign journals.

In 2007, she was awarded the Premio Capalbio for her book La Societa della prevenzione. She was nominated Distinguished Foreign Scholar of 1999 by the American Criminological Society.

In her books, articles and research she has worked on crime and social justice, deviance and social control, law and gender, human rights, issues of equality and discrimination,  and, most recently, the privatization of formerly public policies, services and spaces.

Main publications

Contro il decoro, 2013, Bari-Roma, Laterza (translated into Spanish)

La società della prevenzione, Roma, Carocci, 2007; translated as Pervasive Prevention. A Feminist Reading of the Rise of the Security Society in the XXI Century, 2010, London, Ashgate (also translated into Spanish),

Diritti fondamentali. Disuguaglianze sociali, differenze culturali, differenza sessuale, 2004, Torino, Giappichelli

Un diritto per due (translated into Spanish), 1998, Milano, Il Saggiatore

Responsabilità limitate, Milano, Feltrinelli, 1989; translated as Limited Responsibilities. Actors, Conflicts, Criminal Justice, 1995, London, Routledge (also translated into Spanish)

Sociologia alternativa e nuova sinistra negli Usa, (1978), Firenze, La Nuova Italia

La devianza (1975) (translated into Spanish), Firenze, La Nuova Italia