Life Imprisonment and Human Rights

Editores: Dirk van Zyl Smit, Catherine Appleton
2016 , 544 p. , ISBN: 9781509902200 (Hb) ; 9781509902224 (pdf) ; 9781509902231 (ePub)
In many jurisdictions today, life imprisonment is the most severe penalty that can be imposed. Despite this, it is a relatively under-researched form of punishment and no meaningful attempt has been made to understand its full human rights implications. This important collection fills that gap by addressing these two key questions: what is life imprisonment and what human rights are relevant to it? These questions are explored from the perspective of a range of jurisdictions, in essays that draw on both empirical and doctrinal research. Under the editorship of two leading scholars in the field, this innovative and important work will be a landmark publication in the field of penal studies and human rights.
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