Oñati-IISL eNewsletter - eBoletín del IISJ-Oñati | No. 51 2017 / 07 |
Students are now about to present their Master Theses. Good luck to all of you! [+info]
2017 workshops programme | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Latest publications | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Oñati International Series in Law and Society
Vol. 6, n. 5 (Special issue): Investigations - Investigaciones - Ikerlanak Yolanda García Ruiz: The Withdrawal of Health Care from Irregular Immigrants and Medical Conscientious Objection [+PDF] Miren Manias-Muñoz: The Impact of a Legal Framework on National Film Industry: an Approach to Basque-Language Cinema [+PDF] Naayeli E. Ramírez Espinosa, Antonino Santiago Isidro: Procesos de Consulta Transparentes: la Construcción del Acuerdo en Las Flores, Mecatlán, Veracruz (Transparent consultation processes: Building agreements in Las Flores, Mecatlán, Veracruz) [+PDF] Mariana Zuleta Ferrari: Trust in Legal Institutions: an Empirical Approach from a Social Capital Perspective [+PDF] Book reviews Sue Farran, Esin Örücü and Sean Patrick Donlan. A Study of Mixed Legal Systems: Endangered, Entrenched or Blended. [+PDF] Sally Engle Merry, Kevin E. Davis and Benedict Kingsbury, eds. The Quiet Power of Indicators, Measuring Governance, Corruption and Rule of Law. [+PDF] Bill Bowring. Law, Rights and Ideology in Russia. Landmarks in the destiny of a great power. [+PDF] Kaius Tuori. Lawyers and Savages; Ancient History and Legal Realism in the Making of Legal Anthropology. [+PDF] Mark Tushnet. Advanced Introduction to Comparative Constitutional Law. [+PDF] Vol. 6, n. 6 (Special issue): Radically Rethinking Marriage Issue edited by Profs. Nicola Barker (Kent Law School) and Suzanne Lenon (University of Lethbridge). Nicola Barker, Suzanne Lenon: Radically Rethinking Marriage: Introduction [+PDF] Rosemary Auchmuty: The Limits of Marriage Protection: in Defence of Property Law [+PDF] Sharon Thompson: In Defence of the ‘Gold-Digger’ [+PDF] Nicola Barker: Rethinking Conjugality as the Basis for Family Recognition: A Feminist Rewriting of the Judgment in Burden v. United Kingdom [+PDF] Sally Goldfarb: Divorcing Marriage from Sex: Radically Rethinking the Role of Sex in Marriage Law in the United States [+PDF] Elsje Bonthuys: A Patchwork of Marriages: The Legal Relevance of Marriage in a Plural Legal System [+PDF] Suzanne Lenon: Intervening in the Context of White Settler Colonialism: West Coast LEAF, Gender Equality and the Polygamy Reference +PDF] Christian Klesse: Marriage, Law and Polyamory. Rebutting Mononormativity with Sexual Orientation Discourse? [+PDF] Jennifer Koshan: Marriage and Advance Consent to Sex: A Feminist Judgment in R v JA [+PDF] Ummni Khan: Take My Breath Away: Competing Contexts Between Domestic Violence, Kink and The Criminal Justice System in R. v. J.A. [+PDF] Número editado por Marisa Herrera (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Natalia de la Torre (Universidad de Buenos Aires) y Agustina Pérez (Universidad de Buenos Aires) P. Benavente Moreda. Los Errores de Legislar en Paralelo: La Problemática Aplicación de las Reglas sobre Filiación (Determinación, Acciones de Reclamación e Impugnación) en la Filiación Derivada del Uso de Técnicas de Reproducción Humana Asistida. [+PDF] A. Pérez, D. Zaikoski Biscay. Familias, Cambios Normativos y Representaciones Sociales de alumnos/as de Derecho. [+PDF] S. Penasa. La Salud de la Mujer y las Técnicas de Procreación Asistida: el Marco Legal Italiano: entre la Rigidez de la Ley y Actuación de los Jueces. [+PDF] A. Guzmán Ávalos, M.C. Valdés Martínez. Voluntad Procreacional. [+PDF] M. Herrera, N. de la Torre, N., M. Scardino. Indagaciones Socio Jurídicas sobre Técnicas de Reproducción Humana Asistida al Campo Legislativo. La Experiencia Argentina. [+PDF] F.J. de la Fuente Linares. La Seguridad Social a Parejas del Mismo Sexo en la República Mexicana. [+PDF] I. Alkorta Idiakez, E. Farnós Amorós. Anonimato del Donante y Derecho a Conocer: un Difícil Equilibrio. [+PDF] A.M. Rodríguez Guitián. Reflexiones Acerca del Papel de la Mujer en la Reproducción Artificial Post Mortem. [+PDF] A. Pérez. Gestación por Sustitución y Licencias por Maternidad/Paternidad. La Agenda de Cuidado a la Luz de la Jurisprudencia Española y la Perspectiva Argentina. [+PDF] M.V. Ruiz Balcázar, M.C. Valdés Martínez. Dilemas sobre la Maternidad Subrogada en México. [+PDF] Vol. 7, n. 2 (April-June): 'Moving On'? Official Responses to Mass Harm and the Question of Justice Issue edited by Jennifer Balint (The University of Melbourne), Julie Evans (The University of Melbourne), Mark McMillan (RMIT University) and Nesam McMillan (The University of Melbourne) Jennifer Balint, Julie Evans, Mark McMillan, Nesam McMillan: Introduction: ‘Moving On’? Official Responses to Mass Harm and the Question of Justice [+PDF] Oz Frankel: Vulnerable Populations, Social Investigations, and Epistemic Justice in Early Victorian Britain [+PDF] Francesca Dominello: Political Apologies and their Challenges in Achieving Justice for Indigenous Peoples in Australia and Canada [+PDF] Jaco Barnard-Naudé: ‘Grace Gets Angry’, or the ‘Tactics’ of Forgiveness: the Biopolitics of Reconciliation in the Postcolony [+PDF] Maria Rae: Truth at Any Cost? Law’s Power to Name Argentina’s Disappeared Grandchildren [+PDF] Agata Fijalkowski, Sigrun L. Valderhaug: Legal Decisions, Affective Justice, and ‘Moving On?’ [+PDF]
Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-legal Studies: Vol. 8, n. 2 (2016) Articles Jose M. Atiles-Osoria: Crímenes de Estado Colonial: Apuntes para el Desarrollo de un Concepto Socio-Jurídico [+PDF] Fernando Tapia Alberdi: «Normal eta Patologiko» Delakoen Arteko Bereizketa Durkheimiarra [+PDF] María Eugenia Gastiazoro: El Discurso Jurídico y la Disputa por el Poder de Juzgar en un Caso con Participación de Jurados Populares [+PDF] Osvaldo Agustín Marcón, Claudia Sandra Krmpotic: Las Buropatías como Límites al Acceso a Justicia en el Sistema Judicial Penal Juvenil de Santa Fe, Argentina [+PDF] Romina Lerussi, Romina Anahí Sckmunck: Colonialidad del Derecho [+PDF] Pablo Barbetta, Gaston Godoy Garraza, Walter Mioni: Cultura Jurídica, Producción de Verdad y Conflictos Territoriales. Disputas Recientes por la Tenencia Legal de la Tierra Rural en la Provincia de Salta, Argentina [+PDF] Translations Berta Díaz Arbesú: The Observatory on Gender-Based Violence in Bizkaia (OVGB): An Experience of Good Practices [+PDF] |
Library and Documentation Centre | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alessandra Vincenti, Ana Cristina González Vélez, Barbara Troncarelli, Ben Semple, Benedetta Polini, Carlos Lista, Claudio Baraldi, Corrado Roversi, Elena Pribytkova, Elisabeth Alber, Fabrizio Pappalardo, Francesca Scamardella, Germano Schwartz, Gianfrancesco Zanetti, Guido Maggioni, Isabella Quadrelli, Jill Hunter, Joxerramon Bengoetxea, Lorenzo Scillitani, Lucero Ibarra, Lucio D'Alessandro, M. Paola Mittica, Manuel Ignacio Bernales Pacheco, Manuel Calvo García, Marcello Dei, Maria Ausilia Simonelli, Maria Carmen Belloni, Maria Giulia Bernardini, Marleen Weulen Kranenberg, Michele Della Morte, Mónica Acosta, Orlando Aragón Andrade, Orlando Roselli, Paola Ronfani, Pedro López, Peter Drahos, Sabina Rapari, Sarah Blandy, Silvia Zorzetto, Sol Picciotto, Stefano Anastasia, Teresa Picontó Novales, Thomas Casadei, Valerio Belotti, Vincenzo Ferrari. Eurobask (Europako Mugimenduaren Euskal Kontseilua), G. Giappichelli Editore, Instituto de Derechos Humanos Pedro Arrupe, Servicio editorial del Gobierno Vasco, Springer Publishing, Universidad de Deusto (Instituto de Derechos Humanos). |
Oñati Udala Grant | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Helburua Oñatiko herriari ekarpena egiten dioten Gizarte Zientzien eta Zuzenbidearen alorreko ikerketa proiektuak sustatzea da. Social science and Law-related projects contributing to the town of Oñati and with a close relation to the socio-legal aspects of local self-government, civic activity and/or national identity will be funded. Deadline: January 31 [+info] |
Oñati Institute Seminar Series | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui: Competition law through an ordoliberal lens. 17 Jan [+info] Daniela Gaddi: Reflexive mediation as a mechanism of social regulation. 8 Mar [+info] |
Oñati Community in LSA Meeting, 2017, 21 June, Mexico | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Oñati Sessions aimed to open a new window of interaction between the IISL and the socio-legal community in general. The papers in this session introduced us to different incluences of globalization in local contexts, showcasing the richness of the research currently carried by the Oñati Community. |
Recent Visitors to the Institute / Han visitado el Instituto | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You will find an unique atmosphere to research or write, with the best Library and Documentation Center [+] on Law and Society to make research Disfruta de un ambiente único para investigar o escribir, en la mejor Biblioteca y Centro de Documentación [+] sobre sociología jurídica para desarrollar tu investigación Residence Grants / Becas de residencia
Visiting scholars / Investigadores visitantes
Call for papers: The Rhetoric of Populism: How to Give Voice to the People? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Possible contributors: Researchers in the field of Linguistics, Literature Studies, Legal, Political and Social Theory A paper proposal (approx. 450 words) can be sent to the editors before the 1st of September. Please send a proposal for the first part to Ingeborg van der Geest i.m.vandergeest@uu.nl ; for the second part to Bart van Klink b.van.klink@vu.nl ; and for the third part to Henrike Jansen h.jansen@hum.leidenuniv.nl [+info] |
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IISL-Antigua Universidad s/n - Apdo.28 20560 Oñati - Gipuzkoa - Spain |
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