OSLS Vol 6, No 3 (2016): Past, Present and Future of Sociology of Law
06 Sep 2016
Issue edited by Adam Czarnota (International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati - Spain; University of New South Wales, Sydney - Australia).
- Begicevic, A. Money as Justice: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 396-425. [+PDF]
- Branco, P. Courthouses as Spaces of Recognition, Functionality and Access to Law and Justice: A Portuguese Reflection. 426-441. [+PDF]
- Carlet, F. Las Luchas Quilombolas y el Poder Judicial Brasileño: el Caso de la Comunidad Paiol de Telha. 442-453. [+PDF]
- Costa, A.M.C. Os Limites ao Reconhecimento de Adolescentes e seus Contextos Jurídicos Culturais – uma Ilustração com o Caso Brasileiro. 454-476. [+PDF]
- Duarte, M., Oliveira, A., Fernando, P. Gender and Judging in Portugal: Opinions and Perceptions. 477-495. [+PDF]
- Ferreira, A.C. The Politics of Austerity as Politics of Law. 496-519. [+PDF]
- Henriques, M.P. Labour Human Rights in Portugal: Challenges to Their Effectiveness. 520-542. [+PDF]
- Hernández de Gante, A. Crisis del Sistema Jurídico Mexicano: entre la Reforma Penal y los Actores Sociales Contestatarios. 543-561. [+PDF]
- Ibarra Rojas, L. Collective Intellectual Property in Michoacán: Negotiating Economic and Cultural Agendas in the Artisanal Field. 562-583. Available from: +PDF]
- Krotoszyński, M. The Transitional Justice Models and the Justifications of Means of Dealing with the Past. 584-606. [+PDF]
- Melville, A., Arrese Murguzur, S. Perceptions of Teachers at the International Institute of Sociology of Law of International Student Diversity: Barriers, Enrichment or Cosmopolitan Learning? 607-631. [+PDF]
- Monciardini, D. Lawyers, Accountants and Financial Analysts: The “Architects” of the New EU Regime of Corporate Accountability. 632-655. [+PDF]
- Moons, N., Hubeau, B. Conceptual and Practical Concerns for the Effectiveness of the Right to Housing. 656-675. [+PDF]
- Olesen, A. Debt as a Criminal Risk Factor in Denmark. 676-706. [+PDF]
- Patrignani, E. Legal Pluralism as a Theoretical Programme. 707-725. [+PDF]
- Payero, L. El Esencialismo Constitucional: la Constitución Española al Servicio de la Unidad Nacional. 726-748. [+PDF]
- Peršak, N. Procedural Justice Elements of Judicial Legitimacy and their Contemporary Challenges. 749-770. [+PDF]
- Romani Sancho, L. La Posición de Mujeres y Hombres en los Primeros Puestos de las Listas Electorales: Impacto la de Presencia Equilibrada. 771-794. [+PDF]
- Salento, A. The Financialization of Companies in Italy. 795-815. [+PDF]
- Scamardella, F. Governance in Times of Globalisation: the Kaleidoscope of the Legal System. 816-836. [+PDF]
- Schömer, E. Sweden, a Society of Covert Racism: Equal from the Outside: Everyday Racism and Ethnic Discrimination in Swedish Society. 837-856. [+PDF]
- Schwartz, G., Costa, R.A. Fleck, A.S.B. How Does Football Influence the Political System and Juridify Social Movements? Brazil, June 2013. 857-876. [+PDF]
- Umaña, C.E., Pires, A.P. Derechos Humanos y Penas Radicales: ¿Crítica o Justificación? La Recepción del Derecho Internacional Humanitario en el Código Penal Colombiano. 877-900. [+PDF]
Case studies
- Arrese Murguzur, S., Pérez-Perdomo, R. El Máster de Sociología Jurídica de Oñati: la Percepción de los Graduados. Oñati Socio-legal Series [online], 6 (3), 901-919. [+PDF]