Bojarski, Lukasz

At the Department of Private Law, University of Oslo (UiO), Lukasz takes part in the research project Judges under Stress JuS - the Breaking Point of Judicial Institutions. Within the project Lukasz prepares his PhD project (based on articles) on judicial resistance in Poland.
Lukasz Bojarski has most of his professional life worked for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Think Tanks as lawyer, researcher, trainer and expert. Currently he holds (pro bono) the position of the President of Legal Think Tank INPRIS that he co-founded.
His main fields of interest include: judiciary, legal services, legal profession, legal education and methodology of teaching, non-discrimination, human rights.
Lukasz was the author of the reform proposals on access to legal aid and the legal profession. He is an author of numerous publications and policy papers on the judiciary, access to justice and interactive methods in legal education (see below).
Lukasz is a founding member (2018) of the Justice Defence Committee KOS, the organization grouping judges’ and lawyers’organizations with civil society initiatives, that was created by legal and civil circles in order to defend the independence of judges and lawyers.
He is also founding member of other initiatives - in 2010 he co-founded Stowarzyszenie im. Prof. Zbigniewa Holdy (Association in memory of prof. Zbigniew Holda), an organization that brings together over a hundred eminent Polish lawyers and judges supporting rule of law and human rights. In 2002 Lukasz co-founded (and in the years 2002-2019 served as a Chairman of the Board) the Polish Legal Clinics Foundation (FUPP) that supports clinical movement at law faculties.
In the years 2010-2015 Lukasz was a member of the National Council of the Judiciary of Poland (appointed by the President of Poland), constitutional body responsible for selecting judges and safeguarding judicial independence.
Lukasz has over 25 years of professional experience in research, consultancy, advocacy, and training in human rights, legal and judicial reform, legal profession, legal aid, legal and law related education; including program and curriculum development and evaluation, training methodology and training for trainers in over 20 countries including: Poland, CEE and CIS countries, countries of Central Asia, Caucasus, Balkans, Mongolia, Jordan, Turkey. Lukasz worked as an expert of different institutions and entities: Council of Europe, European Commission, OSCE/ODIHR, Polish Universities, number of International and National private organizations, i.a.Open Society Institute, Ford Foundation, Freedom House, Polish-American Freedom Foundation, Stefan Batory Foundation.
His research, publications and training focused on, i.a.: judiciary; judiciary communication strategy; communication, interaction, collaboration of courts and judges with NGOs; legal profession and legal ethics; human rights and human rights monitoring; non-discrimination; monitoring of elections and appointments to Constitutional Tribunal and other public posts; fair trial standards and trial observation; access to justice and legal aid; street law; clinical education.
Lukasz provided training, both nationally and internationally for i.a.judges, lawyers, NGO activists, journalists, teachers, students, trainers.
Area(s) of expertise: judiciary, legal services, legal profession, legal education and methodology of teaching, non-discrimination, human rights.