Pikramenou, Nikoletta

Dr Nikoletta Pikramenou is a legal expert and researcher on queer gender issues. Her doctoral thesis, conducted at the Law Faculty of Aristotle University and co-supervised by the Law Faculty of Uppsala University, introduced the first legal global comparative study on intersex people's rights. It was published in 2019 as a book by Springer under the title 'Intersex Rights. Living between sexes'. Prior to that, she worked with several international organisations and institutions such as the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations in New York. Nikoletta is a founding member of Intersex Greece, the only intersex-led organisation in the country to promote intersex rights. Currently, she works remotely as a Principal Researcher on Inclusive Justice for Includovate (Ethiopian firm) and she is a lecturer at the National Center for Public Administration and Local Government where she trains civil servants on LGBTQI+issues.
Area(s) of expertise: Law, Gender, Queer theory