Vindicatory Justice: Revenge, Composition and Reconciliation in a Historical and Contemporary Socio-legal Perspective
Coordinadores: Riccardo Mazzola (Università degli Studi di Milano), Raúl Márquez Porras (Universitat de Barcelona)

Descripción del encuentro
The idea of revenge commonly evokes the action of hurting, harming, or otherwise obtaining satisfaction from someone in return for an injury or wrong. This conception apparently divests revenge of any legal dimension and rationality, and confines its existence (as a social practice) to “primitive” people and pre-legal settings. However, a recent trend in socio-legal studies has disrupted the binary distinction law/revenge by focusing on the concept of “vindicatory justice”. This notion does not merely refer to blood feud or to the sole action of avenging, but rather identifies revenge as (just) one of the segments that are parts of a more complex legal order, widespread among human societies and where composition and reconciliation stand in its forefront. The expression “Vindicatory justice” refers precisely to a form of historical justice and legal procedure finalized to seek redress for an offense. It typically inheres those legal cultures that do not acknowledge a clear distinction between civil law and criminal law – “Indigenous”, archaic, and medieval legal cultures – even if fragments of such procedure may survive in modern legal systems. Although having been detected within many cultural settings, Vindicatory justice allegedly maintains a uniform fundamental structure and the same purpose. In fact, the procedure always (i) recognizes a human act as an “offense” and establishes an (inescapable) obligation to compensate/repair it; (ii) does not necessarily equate such compensation/reparation to a violent act of revenge, but rather prioritizes a non-violent process of ‘moral’ composition of the offense; (iii) may ultimately authorise a revenge, if the compositional process fails. As a result, in the context of a “Vindicatory culture”, “revenge” does not refer to a merely resentful instinct or action, but identifies rather an “authorised” and residual (with respect to a complex legal procedure) act to repair an offense and settle a dispute. The workshop aims primarily (in the first day) to provide a comprehensive definition of “Vindicatory Justice”, through the identification of several key notions detected by ethnographic case-studies: (i) the priority of composition over bloody revenge in Madagascar, among Inuit (Arctic) and Gipsies communities; (ii) the central role of factual equity in Transylvanian shepherd communities; (iii) the recognition of an act as an offense among Shuar (Ecuador); (iv) the role of forgiveness in Barbagian revenge Code (Sardinia, Italy); (v) the ultimate quest for reconciliation in the Yolngu (Australia) dispute resolution system; (vi) the acknowledgment of homicide as a prototypic offense in Corsican folk-law; (vii) the acknowledgment of victim’s defencelessness in the retaliation authorised in Halakhah; (viii) the “spurious” nature of Vindicatory law, with specific reference to the institution of Dyiat in Mauritania. The workshop also aims (in the second day) to show and demonstrate the persistence of Vindicatory Justice (or at least of some of its components) in modern legal systems, and to show how the Vindicatory apparatus may represent a useful tool to interpret several ethical and legal issues of our time. The workshop takes on several issues of interest: (i) the adaptation of Barbagian vindicatory system to the transformed pastoral economy in Sardinia; (ii) the dialectical relationship between the practice of duelling and Criminal law in Northern Catalunya; (iii) the effect of the colonial (and post-colonial) encounter on the structure of vindicatory systems in Nigeria; (iv) the reconstruction of Cretan vindicatory practices in parallel to the attempted recognition of WWII criminal damages; (v) the role of vindicatory justice – and specifically of inter-generational killings – in relieving cultural trauma in Crete; (vi) the use of Vindicatory Justice theory to highlight the limit of criminal law in the acknowledgement of the victim’s suffering; (vii) the construction of an ‘anthropology of care’ in terms of Vindicatory justice, particularly focusing on the notion of ‘defencelessness’ of people; (viii) the expression of the demand for housing – as an offense to human dignity – through the lexicon of Vindicatory morality; (ix) the way in which the social contexts of Vindicatory Justice emphasize the limits of Restorative justice in our Society. The ultimate purpose of the workshop is to suggest how a whole-comprehensive understanding of Vindicatory Justice theory may induce to re-think segments of Criminal law (and Restorative justice) apparatus, in order to deal more efficiently with the demand for a real and ‘perceived’ reparation of the offense.
Nuestra experiencia en Oñati
Durante los días 9 y 10 de mayo el IISJ ha acogido el workshop Vindicatory Justice: Revenge, Composition and Reconciliation in a Historical and Contemporary Socio-legal Perspective, coordinado por Riccardo Mazzola (Università degli Studi di Milano) y Raúl Márquez (Universitat de Barcelona). Participaron en él catorce investigadores, de distintas instituciones (Universitat de Barcelona, Università degli Studi di Milano, Università di Milano Bicocca, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Bar Ilan University y University of Helsinki, Asociación Vasca de Antropología y UNED).
Durante las dos jornadas del workshop antropólogos y filósofos del derecho han discutido sobre el paradigma de la justicia vindicatoria. Examinando sus elementos teóricos clásicos, analizando la mal comprendida relación con el fenómeno de la venganza o feuding y confrontando el paradigma vindicatorio con el de la justicia civil-penal, para repensar críticamente aspectos de éste. Todo ello a partir de la exposición de casos etnográficos sobre sistemas jurídicos más o menos tradicionales (Madagascar, Sardignia o Córcega) o sobre rasgos vindicatorios presentes en contextos estatales (conflictos entre empleadores y trabajadoras del hogar en España, o en el ámbito de reivindicaciones feministas y fiestas populares). También, con la exposición crítica de obras clave del pensamiento jurídico: de Kelsen, de algunos antropólogos evolucionistas y, sobre todo, de los precursores de la teoría vindicatoria, especialmente A. Pigliaru o J. Busquet y la obra fundadora de I. Terradas.
El buen desarrollo del workshop –ayudado por el magnífico ambiente de Oñati– ha ayudado a consolidar el diálogo interdisciplinar existente entre los/as participantes, que se han emplazado a materializar dicho diálogo en una o varias publicaciones.
On May 9 and 10 the IISJ hosted the workshop Vindicatory Justice: Revenge, Composition and Reconciliation in a Historical and Contemporary Socio-legal Perspective, coordinated by Riccardo Mazzola (Università degli Studi di Milano) y Raúl Márquez (Universitat de Barcelona). Fourteen researchers coming from different countries and research centers took part in the workshop (Universitat de Barcelona, Università degli Studi di Milano, Università di Milano Bicocca, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Bar Ilan University y University of Helsinki, Asociación Vasca de Antropología y UNED).
During the two-days workshop, legal anthropologists and philosophers discussed about the “vindicatory justice” paradigm. They took into consideration its core theoretical elements analyzing the ill-interpreted relationship between vindicatory justice and vengeance/feuding. Also, the compared the “vindicatory justice” paradigm to that of civil-criminal justice to re-think fragments of the latter. All this began with the exposition of ethnographic case-studies on more or less “traditional” legal orders (Madagascar, Sardinia or Corsica) or modern occurrence of vindicatory justice (as in conflicts between employers and domestic workers in Spain or in the context of feminist claims and folk festivals). Also, the discussion concerned a critical reading of key works on legal thinking, from Kelsen to several evolutionary anthropologists and – most crucially – Antonio Pigliaru and Jacques Busquet as well as the seminal work by Ignasi Terradas.
The workshop – held in the wonderful Oñati landscape – consolidated the interdisciplinary dialogue between the participants, to be soon materialized in one or more publications.
Workshop Coordination Team
Avenida de la Universidad, 8
Apartado 28
20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa) - Spain
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