Ceresa Gastaldo, Francesca

University of Genoa
28 Ots 2025 -tik 30 Uzt 2025 -ra

I am a PhD candidate in philosophy of law and history of legal culture at the University of Genoa, and teaching assistant in the courses of Philosophy of Law, Sociology of Law, and Introduction to Gender Studies. My PhD project is entitled "Nature and New Rights: Cultural Models and Legal Traditions in Comparison”.
I attended the Oñati Master in Socio-legal studies in 2023/2024 academic year.
I have published articles and participated in conferences on topics related to artificial intelligence, legal interpretation, gender studies, and emerging rights. Between my most recent publications, the one titled “The automaton-judge. Some reflections on the future of AI in judicial systems”, published in Sortuz – Oñati Journal for Emergent Socio-Legal Studies, Vol. 14 No. 2 (2024), and the chapter “La soggettività giuridica delle entità naturali: qualche riflessione su diritto, morale e nuovi diritti” inside the book dedicated to “Diritto, morale, politica del diritto”, edited by Genoa University Press in 2024.
I am a member of the editorial committee of the PhD Course Series in Law at the University of Genoa and I have been a visiting PhD student at Sorbonne University - Panthéon Assas.

Area(s) of expertise: rights of nature, rights of Indigenous peoples, artificial intelligence