The Institute has received many generous individual donations for a number of years, and we welcome all such donations. You can currently donate for the following purposes:
- IISL general support
- IISL library support
- IISL residence support
- IISL master's students funding
- IISL publication support
- RCSL Podgórecki Prize
- Support of RCSL work
Donations can be made by any of the following means:
- Electronically, using the secure payments facility on the Institute website (Paypal, Visa or MasterCard).
- By direct bank transfer. (Remember to indicate the chosen purpose in the transfer concept)
Bank account details are:
IBAN ES97 0182 0326 1102 0151 6752.
Outside Europe:
Bank: BBVA (0182), Branch: Oñati (0326),
Account No. 0201516752
All donations will be gratefully received.
You can also colaborate donating a publication to our Library. For more information keep reading.