Susana Arrese Murguzur
Master coordination
Avenida de la Universidad, 8
Apartado 28
20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa) - Spain
T: +34 943 78... Ver teléfono
AI in the Courtroom: Navigating the Maze of Ethics and Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
FREEDOM MATTERS: A theoretical-practical approach to the measurement of freedom
Brazil on debate: Democracy and Conflict
Pluralismo Jurídico en la Amazonia Venezolana
How to Handbook the Sociology of Law
Susana Arrese Murguzur
Master coordination
Avenida de la Universidad, 8
Apartado 28
20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa) - Spain
T: +34 943 78... Ver teléfono
Avenida Universidad 8 - Apartado 28
20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa)
The Institute has received many generous individual donations for a number of years.