Programme 2025

03 Apr - 04 Apr 2025

Legal Mobilization and the Infrastructures of Protest Culture

Jeff Handmaker
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Mikel Diez Sarasola
Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU
Sanne Taekema
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Michał Stambulski
Erasmus University Rotterdam
10 Apr - 11 Apr 2025

The legal afterlife of war and revolution

Marika Sosnowski
Melbourne Law School
08 May - 09 May 2025

Legal Survivals and Global Legal Pluralism

Rafał Mańko
Central European University, Democracy Institute
Ewa Górska
Jagiellonian University
15 May - 16 May 2025

Deliberalization of Democracies? Understanding Regression of Rights and the Criminalization of Struggles for Rights in the Global South and North

Joao Velloso
Law, University of Ottawa, Canada; Chair of RCSL WG Judicialization of Social Problems
Marie-Christine Doran
Political Studies, University of Ottawa; Coord. of Observatory on Violence, Criminalization and Democracy [OVCD]
Hugo Rojas
Law, Universidad Alberto Hurtado; VioDemos, Chile
Danièle Joly
Sociology, University of Warwick, UK; CADIS-EHESS; Global Observatory on Academic Freedom
22 May - 23 May 2025

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) under the Spectrum of Sex, Gender and Sexuality

Nikoletta Pikramenou
University of Warsaw
Marta Bucholc
University of Warsaw
Barbara Giovanna Bello
Università degli Studi della Tuscia
29 May - 30 May 2025
05 Jun - 06 Jun 2025

Tourism and Sustainability? Toward a new socio-legal research agenda

Antonio Cardesa-Salzmann
Strathclyde Law School, University of Strathclyde
Mara Ntona
Strathclyde Law School, University of Strathclyde
Laura Huici Sancho
Facultad de Derecho, Universitat de Barcelona
Milagros Álvarez Verdugo
Facultat de Derecho, Universitat de Barcelona
12 Jun - 13 Jun 2025

Workshop for the Expert Research Group: “Best practices for remote participation in criminal proceedings”

Dorris de Vocht
Associate Professor, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Lisa Flower
Associate Professor, Lund University, Sweden
Christina Peristeridou
Maastricht University, Netherlands
Karolina Kremens
Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Poland
19 Jun - 20 Jun 2025

Theorizing Carceral Desires, Imagining Non-Carceral Futures: Methodologies and Conceptual Frameworks

Rashmee Singh
Department of Sociology & Legal Studies, University of Waterloo
Timothy Bryan
Department of Sociology, University of Toronto
03 Jul - 04 Jul 2025

Life after exoneration; is the worst yet to come?

Linda Geven
Leiden University, the Netherlands
Celine van Golde
University of Sydney, Australia
Tinneke Van Camp
California State University Fresno, USA
Gema María Varona Martínez
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain
