Programme 2025

10 Jul - 11 Jul 2025

Gender Just Transitions: Cultivating Equality For A Sustainable Economy’

Cathi Albertyn
Professor of Law and SA Research Chair in Equality, Law and Social Justice, School of Law, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Meghan Campbell
Deputy-Director of the Oxford Human Rights Hub; Reader in International Human Rights, Law, Associate Dean, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Sandra Fredman
Professor of Law, Oxford University; Director of the Oxford Human Rights Hub; Oxford University, United Kingdom
Judy Fudge
LIUNA Enrico Henry Mancinelli Chair of Global Labour Issues, School of Labour Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences McMaster University, Canada
Kamala Sankaran
Professor of Law and Ford Foundation Chair in Public Interest Law, National Law School of India University Bengaluru, India
21 Jul - 24 Jul 2025

Finding Nomos: Revisiting Legal Anthropology's Critical Empirical Grounds

Jessica Greenberg
Dept. of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Grigory Gorbun
Dept. of Anthropology, University of Chicago
Rob Gelles
Dept. of Anthropology, University of Chicago
Justin B. Richland
Dept. of Anthropology, University of California Irvine and the American Bar Foundation
28 Jul - 29 Jul 2025

The law of Global Value Chains: Theory and Practice at Work

Shelley Marshall
RMIT University
Hila Shamir
Tel Aviv University, PI ChainGE Lab (ERC)
Guy Mundlak
Tel Aviv University
