Marwan, Awaludin

The institute has tremondously library wchich consists of various important books and references. I would like to sit more time inside of library. Working soroundings the books, it gives us magic inspiration to write somethings for our research.
I am former master student 2010/2011. By coming back to Onati, I felt a nostalgic experience to come back to ‘my second hometown’. I am happy to meet secretariat team, the people who work very hard to make a professional interntional master program possible. They look like the same as I did my master. They are lovely people, warm, helpful and friendly. I can not imagine when this master student walks without them. Susana and friends are the best team work I’ve ever seen.
The last, I did presentation about my PhD thesis which entitled ‘good governance and ethnic minority in Indonesia.’ Glad to see some professors and visiting scholars gave their comments and critics to my work. I got many insights from the discussion. The master students also joined with the presentation, makes the forum more fruitful and good.
Onati is a paradise on the earth, and IISL is the beautiful lake where provides some water of knowledge and experiences.