Oñati-IISL eNewsletter - eBoletín del IISJ-Oñati | No. 52 2017 / 11 |
The Friendship programme is running again! |
![]() De forma paralela al master, ha comenzado también otra edición del programa Friendship, cuyo objetivo es fomentar la amistad y el intercambio cultural entre los estudiantes y los autóctonos. Como cada año, se hizo una recepción en la residencia Antia. Este año participa en el programa Friendship gente de Oñati, Mondragón y Legazpi, entre otros sitios, y en todo momento está abierta la oportunidad de participar. Para ello, hay que contactar con Susana Arrese. |
Donations are used to support our student grants [+], and are always very welcome.
Donate via Paypal or other options through our web page [+info] |
Workshop programme | ||||
Latest workshops and bilkuras |
20-21 Jul.: The Policy of Cultural Rights: Socio-legal Perspectives on Cultural Diversity Chaired by Miren Manías Muñoz (University of the Basque Country) and Lucero Ibarra Rojas (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas)[+] |
27-28 Jul..: Regulating Climate Change: Governance and Legal Mobilization Chaired by Anna-Maria Marshall (University of Illinois) and Susan Sterett (Virginia Tech). [+] |
05 Oct.: Equipo Psicosocial Judicial del Gobierno Vasco La viceconsejera de Justicia del Gobierno Vasco, Miren Gallastegui, inauguró el taller de trabajo. [+] |
12-13 Sept.: Lawyers in 21st Century Society Chaired by Ulrike Schultz (FernUniversität, Hagen), Ole Hammerslev (University of Southern Denmark), Hilary Sommerlad (University of Leeds) and Richard Abel (UCLA). [+] |
Oñati International Series in Law and Society
Vol. 7, n. 3 - The place of apology in law July-September 2017 - Issue edited by Prue Vines (University of New South Wales) and Robyn Carroll (University of Western Australia). Robyn Carroll, Prue Vines: Special issue on Apologies: Introduction [+PDF] Prue Vines: The Value of Apologising within a Moral Community: Making Apologies Work [+PDF] Alfred Allan, James Strickland, Maria M. Allan: Interpersonal Apologies: A Psychological Perspective of How They Might Work in Law [+PDF] Mandeep Dhami: An Empirical Note on Perceptions of Partial Apologies [+PDF] James Strickland, Alfred Allan, Maria M. Allan: The Acceptance of Apologies in the Corrective Process: Implications for Research and Practice [+PDF] Carrie Petrucci: Apology in the Criminal Justice Setting: An Update [+PDF] John Charles Kleefeld: Promoting and Protecting Apologetic Discourse through Law: A Global Survey and Critique of Apology Legislation [+PDF] Andrea Zwart-Hink: The Doctor Has Apologised. Will I Now Get Compensation for my Injuries? Myth and Reality in Apologies and Liability [+PDF] Gema Varona: Apology and Spanish Criminal Law at the Post-Sentencing Level: the Gap Between Legal Provisions and Victims and Offenders’ Experiences in Cases of Terrorism [+PDF] Jeff Berryman: Mitigation, Apology and the Quantification of Non-Pecuniary Damages [+PDF] Colleen Murphy, Jennifer K. Robbennolt, Lesley Wexler: State Amends for Lawful Harm Doing [+PDF] Robyn Carroll, Alfred Allan, Margaret Halsmith: Apologies, Mediation and the Law: Resolution of Civil Disputes [+PDF]
Alberto José Olalde Altarejos, Angélica Cuellar Vázquez, Claudio Colaguori, Eduardo Jorge Prats, Giuseppe Campesi, Gloria Amparo Rodríguez, Jairo Vladimir Llano Franco, Joxerramon Bengoetxea, Juan Federico Arriola, Lucio D’Alessandro, Lynn Mather, María José Bernuz Beneítez, Mónica Acosta, Olimpia Giuliana Loddo, Sharyn Roach-Anleu, Ulrike Schultz and Vincenzo Ferrari. FEDHAV (Fundación para el Estudio del Derecho Histórico y Autonómico de Vasconia = Euskal Herriko Zuzenbide Historiko eta Autonomikoa Aztertzeko Fundazioa), HEGOA (Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional = Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua) [+Access the library catalogue] [+Visite el catálogo de la biblioteca] |
Open seminars - Seminarios abiertos
Oñatiko Udala Grant -Deialdia - Convocatoria - Call | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Helburua Oñatiko herriari ekarpena egiten dioten Gizarte Zientzien eta Zuzenbidearen alorreko ikerketa proiektuak sustatzea da. Epemuga: Urtarrilak 31 [+info]. |
There will be sessions especially organised so members of the Oñati community share their research findings in the next conferences organised by the Law and Society Association in Toronto (June 7-10, 2018), International Sociological Association in Toronto (July 15-21, 2018), and the Research Committee for the Sociology of Law in Lisbon (September 10-13, 2018). You can find more information about these sessions in Forum section of the Oñati Community website. Oñati Session in Lisbon – 10-13 September 2018 RCSL will organize its Annual Meeting in Lisbon, on the general theme “Law and Citizenship Beyond the States”. The call for sessions and papers will be open from 15 October to 15 December. Oñati Session in Toronto – June 2018 From June 7-10, 2018 will be held in Toronto, Canada, the Annual Meeting on Law and Society with the theme "Law at the Crossroads -Le Droit a la Croisée des Chemins". Oñati Session in Toronto – July 2018 A Oñati Session wil be organized by Vincenzo Ferrari during the ISA WORLD Congress. |
Recent Visitors to the Institute / Han visitado el Instituto |
You will find an unique atmosphere to research or write, with the best Library and Documentation Center [+] on Law and Society to make research. Disfruta de un ambiente único para investigar o escribir, en la mejor Biblioteca y Centro de Documentación [+] sobre sociología jurídica para desarrollar tu investigación Residence Grants / Becas de residencia Emma Nyhan (Ireland): 03/10/2017 - 19/12/2017 Visiting scholars / Investigadores visitantes
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IISL-Antigua Universidad s/n - Apdo.28 20560 Oñati - Gipuzkoa - Spain |