As every year, the December miscellaneous issue that includes contributions not directly related to workshops has just been published and is available on the Oñati Socio-legal Series's website.
This special December issue usually compiles articles that do not emerge from workshops celebrated in the institute's premises from March through September, but which have been considered to merit publication. As with any other paper submitted to the IISL for publication, these articles have undergone a double-blind peer-review. The issue also includes some reviews of books on socio-legal topics.
The contributors to this special issue have been:
- Leopoldo Cruz Balbuena (Ikerbasque Foundation, UPV/EHU, Spain)
- Roxanna Dehaghani and Daniel Newman (Cardiff University, Wales, UK)
- Paloma Fernández-Rasines (Public University of Navarre, Spain)
- Arianna Jacqmin (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
- Julieta Mira (independent, Argentina)
- Iker Nabaskues (UPV/EHU, Spain)
- Lorena Ortuoste Ibarzabal (independent, Spain)
- Ihintza Palacín Mariscal (European University Institute, Department of Law (LAW), Students; Italy)
- Andrea Díaz Rozas (independent, Spain)
- Victor T.K. Morris (William V.S. Tubman University, Liberia)