September has come with exciting news - on the one hand, The IISL is proud to announce that ANVUR, Italy's National Evaluation Agency for University and Research, has acknowledged the scientific level of Oñati Socio-legal Series and placed it in the category of upper class journals (Class 'A' journals) in both the legal-philosophical and sociological sectors. This is an important achievement, which has been the result of the hard work of Luigi Cominelli, Vincenzo Ferrari and Cristina Ruiz, among others.
On the other hand, on 1 September has come a third output of the journal, which, under the title Les enjeux de la ritualisation judiciaire. Une réflexion sur les formes du procès, deals with several issues that surround the judicial ritualisation. The monograph has been coordinated by Diane Bernard (Saint-Louis University of Brussels, Belgium).