Beamie-Moses Seiwoh is an alumna of the Oñati International Institute for Sociology of Law (2011). Beamie is a development practitioner with over 12-year of work experience in development, humanitarian, peace and security, and human rights acquired with International development organisations and externally in Iraq, DR Congo, Afghanistan, and Sierra Leone.
Academically, Beamie holds four post-graduate degrees, namely: Master of Evaluation from Saarland University, Germany; Master of Arts in Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Action from Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom; Master of Science in Development Studies, Njala University, Sierra Leone; and Master in Sociology of Law, Oniat International Institute for Sociology of Law.
Beamie has authored and co-authored the following papers:
o Seiwoh and Tukwariba Yin (2021): Costs and Delays in Accessing Justice: A Comparative Analysis of Ghana and Sierra Leone.
o Seiwoh (2020): Transitional Justice and National Civil Society: A Case for Sierra Leone.
o Seiwoh (2011): The effectiveness of the Family Support Unit in responding and handling gender violence in Freetown-Sierra Leone.