Oñati-IISL eNewsletter - eBoletín del IISJ-Oñati |
No. 48
2016 / 07 |
Oñati Udala Grant
2016 workshops Programme | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Latest publications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vol. 5, n. 5 (special issue 2015): Investigations - Investigaciones - Ikerlanak
Farinha, G.R. Legal Pluralism: Interactions Between Official and Unofficial Laws: The Case Study of a Multi-ethnic Community Farm. 1181-1208. [+pdf] Howard, T.. The “Rules of Engagement”: A Socio-legal Framework for Improving Community Engagement in Natural Resource Governance. 1209-1235. [+pdf] Kaufman, E. Bryant Park as a Site of Production: Revenue and Social Control. 1236-1235. [+pdf] Monte, M.E. Abortion Liberalization Demand in Argentina: Legal Discourses as Site of Power Struggle: A Case Study on the Structural Case Portal de Belén vs. Córdoba (2012-2013). 1261-1290. [+pdf] Nieminen, K. Rebels without a Cause? Civil disobedience, Conscientious Objection and the Art of Argumentation in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights. 1291-1308. [+pdf] Oliver Olmo, P., Urda Lozano, J.C. Bureau-repression: Administrative Sanction and Social Control in Modern Spain. 1309-1328. [+pdf] Sá e Silva, F. de. Lawyers, Governance, and Globalization: the Diverging Paths of “Public Interest Law” across the Americas. 1329-1350. [+pdf] Telleria, I., Ahedo Gurrutxaga, I. Gobernanza Urbana y Participación Comunitaria: Los Casos de Barcelona, Bilbao y Pamplona. 1351-1381. [+pdf] Pedernera, L., Torrado Martín-Palomino, E. La Prostitución desde la Perspectiva de la Demanda: Amarres Enunciativos para su Conceptualización. 1382-1400. [+pdf] Zubiaurre, A. El Aseguramiento de los Informes de Sostenibilidad: Diferencias Sustanciales con la Auditoría de Cuentas. 1401-1422. [+pdf] Book Reviews Robert Leckey (ed). After Legal Equality: Family, Sex, Kinship. Abingdon: Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2015, pp. 224, ISBN 978-0-415-72161-5 £85 [+pdf ] Donald Black. Moral Time. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 288, ISBN 978-0-19-973714-7 £21,99 [+pdf] Vol. 5, n. 6 (special issue 2015): Gender Violence: Redressing Intersectionality Issue edited by Floretta Boonzaier (University of Cape Town), David Gadd (University of Manchester) and Julie Goldscheid (The City University of New York) Narrating the Intersectionalities of Gender Violence Boonzaier, F., Gadd, D.: Narrating the Intersectionalities of Gendered Violence: Introduction. 1429-1432. [+pdf] Stubbs, J.: Gendered Violence, Intersectionalities and Resisting Gender Neutrality. 1433-1451. [+pdf] Taşcıoğlu, E.E. “I Lived and Learned”: Violence, Survival and Knowledge in Trans Women’s Lives in Turkey. 1452-1470. [+pdf] Van Niekerk, T.J., Boonzaier, F.A. Respectability, Chivalry and ‘Fixing’ Women: Men’s Narratives of Intimate Partner Violence in Cape Town. 1471-1489. [+pdf] Fileborn, B. Unwanted Sexual Attention in Licensed Venues: Considering LGBTIQ Young Adults’ Experiences and Perceptions. 1490-1508. [+pdf] Legal Remedies for Gendered Violence Goldscheid, J. Intersectionalities of Gender Violence: Legal Remedies: Editorial. [+pdf] Atrey, S. Lifting as We Climb: Recognizing Intersectional Gender Violence in Law. 1512-1535. [+pdf] McWilliams, M., Yarnell, P., Churchill, M. Forced Dependency and Legal Barriers: Implications of the UK’s Immigration and Social Security Policies for Minoritized Women Living in Abusive Intimate Relationships in Northern Ireland. 1536-1556. [+pdf] Peroni, C. Gender-based Violence and ‘Feminicide’ in Queer Italian Movements: Questioning Gender, Sexuality, and the (Hetero)normative Order. 1557-1579. [+pdf] Issue edited by Nan Seuffert (University of Wollongong) and Anthea Vogl (University of Technology Sydney) N. Seuffert, A. Vogl: Inequality and Austerity after the Global Financial Crisis: Law, Gender, Sexuality. [+pdf] J. Kelsey: A Gendered Response to Financial Crisis: What Can Others Learn from Iceland? [+pdf] A. Zokaityte: A Financial Literacy Measure: Gendering And Contextualising Financial Technicalities. [+pdf] A. Kapur: The Value of International-National Interactions and Norm Interpretations in Catalysing National Prosecutions of Sexual Violence. [+pdf] J. Stubbs: Downsizing Prisons in an Age of Austerity? Justice Reinvestment and Women’s Imprisonment. [+pdf] T. Dreher: Pinkwashing the Past: Gay Rights, Military History and the Sidelining of Protest in Australia. [+pdf] A. Vogl: A Matter of Time: Enacting the Exclusion of Onshore Refugee Applicants through the Reform and Acceleration of Refugee Determination Processes. [+pdf] Issue edited by Nancy S. Marder (IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law – Chicago) and Valerie P. Hans (Cornell Law School, Ithaca – New York). Nancy Marder, Valerie P. Hans: Introduction to Juries and Mixed Tribunals across the Globe: New Developments, Common Challenges and Future Directions [+pdf] New Developments, Practices, and Innovations Jae-Hyup Lee, Jisuk Woo: Judge-Jury Interaction in Deliberation: Enhancement or Obstruction of Independent Jury Decision-Making? [+pdf] Mar Jimeno-Bulnes, Valerie P. Hans: Legal Interpreter for the Jury: The Role of the Clerk of the Court in Spain [+pdf] María Inés Bergoglio: Citizen Views on Punishment: the Difference Between Talking and Deciding [+pdf] Stefan Machura: Civil Justice: Lay Judges in the EU Countries [+pdf] Marie Comiskey: Tempest in a Teapot – The Role of the Decision Tree in Enhancing Juror Comprehension and Whether It Interferes with the Jury’s Right to Deliberate Freely? [+pdf] Common Challenges Jane Goodman-Delahunty, Natalie Martschuk, Anne Cossins: Programmatic Pretest-posttest Research to Reduce Jury Bias in Child Sexual Abuse Cases [+pdf] Regina A. Schuller, Caroline Erentzen: The Challenge for Cause Procedure in Canadian Criminal Law [+pdf] The Jury as a Political Institution Robert P. Burns: Popular Sovereignty and the Jury Trial [+pdf] Masahiro Fujita, Nahoko Hayashi, Syûgo Hotta: Trust in the Justice System: Internet Survey after Introducing Mixed Tribunal System in Japan [+pdf] John D. Jackson, Nikolai P. Kovalev: Lay Adjudication in Europe: The Rise and Fall of the Traditional Jury [+pdf]
Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-legal Studies: Vol. 7, n. 2 (2015) Articles Jordi Tena-Sánchez: Estrategias de Diseño Institucional y Cumplimiento. El Caso de las Nuevas Políticas de Seguridad Vial en España [+pdf] Nicolas Juan Papalia: ¿Qué Piensan Jueces y Juezas sobre la Violencia Doméstica? [+pdf] Maria Eugenia Monte, Leticia Gavernet: Constituyentes y Constituidas: Sexualidad y Reproducción en las Reformas Constitucionales de Argentina (1994) y Bolivia (2009) [+pdf] Carolina Alves Vestena: Social Reforms in Brazil: Criticism of the Institutionalization of BolsaFamília Program [+pdf] Orlando Aragón Andrade: El Derecho después de la Insurrección. Cherán y el Uso Contra-Hegemónico del Derecho en la Suprema Corte de Justicia de México [+pdf] Ignasi Bernat Molina: Entendiendo los Desahucios. Financiarización, Poder Corporativo y Derechos Mercantilizados [+pdf] Ma. Ovidia Rojas Castro: La Transformación de la Expropiación en México [+pdf] Luca Verzelloni: Building Bridges between the Legal Professions: The Case of the Italian Observatories of Civil Justice [+pdf] Translations Johannes Feest: Abolitionism. Some Answers to Frequently Asked Questions [+pdf] |
Library and Documentation Centre | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adam Czarnota, Ainhoa Martínez, Alberto Abad, Alberto Febbrajo, Alexander Kondakov, Aloisio Krohling, Ana María Vargas, Aniceto Masferrer, Antonio Carlos Wolkmer, Antonio Casimiro Ferreira, Antonio Minhoto, Aryna Dzmitryieva, Daniel Achutti, Diógenes V. Hassan Ribeiro, Dominik Kohlhagen, Eduardo Pazinato, Fernando Tapia, Giuseppe Campesi, Giuseppe Giura, Gustavo Noronha de Avila, Iker Barbero, Jiri Priban, Joxerramon Bengoetxea, Laécio Noronha Xavier, Manuel Calvo García, Maria Joao Guia, Mauro Benente, Mavis Maclean, Michael Anthony C. Dizon, Paulo Roney Avila Fagúndez, Pedro Caeiro, Peter Fitzpatrick, Raúl Susín Betrán, Reza Banakar, Scott Veitch, Teresa Picontó Novales, Vincenzo Ferrari, Wanda Capeller, Zbigniew Lasocik AL-HAQ Organisation, Bononia University Press, Cambridge University Press, Editorial FEDHAV, Hegoa, Universidad Diego Portales, Univesity of Antwerp. |
Oñati in the Third ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Oñati Institute Seminar Series | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reflections of framing effects on internantional law: the case of the international Health Regulations (2005): Silvia Park, Universities of Potsdam and Paris Nanterre. 17th February 2016, 15:00 Cultural Expertise in Europe: What is it useful for?: Livia Holden, Karakoram International University, 10th February 2016, 15:00. Doing Socio-Legal Research as a Newcomer - Challenges and How to Master Them: Ulrike Müller, Germany, 4th February 2016, 18:00. Institutional Translation in Greek and Roman Egypt: José Luis Alonso, University of the Basque Country, 3 February 2016, 15:00. Political lawyering and political protests in Brazil (2013-2015): Frederico de Almeida, University of São Paulo, 27th January 2016, 15:00. Gestational Carrier, Motherhood and Family: Paula Pinhal de Carlos, Brazil, 14th January,17:30 [+info] Cry, Drink and Write: Ihintza Palacin & Ainhoa Martinez, 4th January 2016, 15:00. |
Recent Visitors to the Institute / Han visitado el Instituto | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You will find an unique atmosphere to research or write, with the best Library and Documentation Center [+] on Law and Society to make research Disfruta de un ambiente único para investigar o escribir, en la mejor Biblioteca y Centro de Documentación [+] sobre sociología jurídica para desarrollar tu investigación Residence Grants / Becas de residencia
Visiting scholars / Investigadores visitantes