Master programako hitzaldiak
01 Ots 2018
Law Based on Reciprocity: How can we Recognize Legal Otherness in Terms of Modernity?
Ledvinka, Tomáš (Czech Republic)
25 Urt 2018
Social Movements and the Law in Brazil, the case of the 2013 Protests in Porto Alegre
Bonfigli, Fiammetta (Universidade La Salle, Brasil)
16 Urt 2018
El contexto social de la desaparición de 43 jóvenes en Iguala (México)
Buitrago, Ángela (Universidad Externado, Colombia)
12 Abe 2017
Being Bedouin in Israel and Becoming Indigenous in International Law
Nyhan, Emma (Instituto Universitario Europeo, Florencia, Italia)
07 Aza 2017
Melville, Angela (Flinders University, Australia)
02 Aza 2017
Melville, Angela (Flinders University, Australia)
08 Mar 2017
Reflexive mediation as a mechanism of social regulation
Gaddi, Daniela (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
17 Urt 2017
Competition law through an ordoliberal lens
Herrera Anchústegui, Ignacio (University of Bergen, Norway)
20 Abe 2016
Transitional Justice in South Africa and Colombia: In Conversation
Martínez Miguel, Ainhoa (GCON4 Group, London School of Business); Vázquez Guevara, Valeria (Melbourne Law School, Australia)
13 Abe 2016
Gutierrez Cornelius, Eduardo (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
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