Master programako hitzaldiak

07 Abe 2016

Legal Pluralism and the Rule of Law

Chalmers, Shane (Australian National University)
09 Aza 2016
03 Aza 2016

The exogenous law: remarks on the issue of collective ancestral lands in Argentina and Chile

Lazzerini, Ilaria (Ph.D. in Law and Society - "Renato Treves")
26 Urr 2016

How Canadian police deals with hate criminality

Bryan, Tim (York University, Canada)
27 Ira 2016
17 Ots 2016
10 Ots 2016

Cultural Expertise in Europe: What is it useful for?

Holden, Livia (Karakoram International University)
04 Ots 2016
03 Ots 2016

Institutional Translation in Greek and Roman Egypt

Alonso, José Luis (University of the Basque Country)
