Master's students will receive a talk about: "Rethinking Basque inheritance law: a work in progress through mixed-methods research", by IISL graduate Leire Gorostiza Etxeberria (UPV/EHU, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology)

Agostino Carrino (University of Naples) will give a talk on "About the idea of legal science: Revisiting the Kelsen-Ehrlich debate". This is within the "Permanent Seminars for the Sociology of Law" talk cycle and is directed to Master's students and to visiting scholars.

Vincenzo Ferrari (emeritus professor of the University of Milan) will give a talk about "Recent history of the sociology of law: an overview of the last 50 years". This is within the "Permanent Seminars for the Sociology of Law" talk cycle and is directed to Master's students and to visiting scholars.

LSNEk plazer handiz aurkezten dizue 4000€ emango dituen eta gaur, otsailaren 5ean, Carrino familiak eta Oñatiko LSNEk sinatu duten Mariella Carrino in memoriam beka. Agostino Carrinok, Mariellaren aitak, eta LSNEko zuzendari administratibo Maite Elorzak sinatu dute, eta LSNEko zuzendari zientifiko Jose Maria Sauca eta Mariellaren irakasle eta Carrino familiaren adiskide, eta halaber LSNEko zuzendari zientifiko ohi Vincenzo Ferrari ere han izan dira. Gero, LSNEko masterreko ikasleei beka aurkeztu diete.
Ikerketa soziojuridikoa bultzatzeko Mariella Carrino programaren barruan sortu da honako beka. Mariella Carrino zenaren oroimenez, gizarte-konfliktoei, etxebizitza politikari eta etxebizitza eskubideari buruzko ikerketa zientifikoak bultzatu eta ikertzaile gazteen karrera samurtu gura du Carrino familiak programa horren bitartez. Horretarako, 4000€ eman ditu bekarako. Oinarri osoak LSNEren webgunean agertzen dira.

Master's students will recieve a talk about "Collective property in Basque Law: The case of the commons and the house (etxe)", by Itziar Alkorta Idiakez (UPV/EHU).

On 6 November, this year's Master's students will receive a presentation about Academic and technical writing, which will include sections about plagiarism and how to avoid it, Creative Commons licences, and Open Access. The presentation is prepared by Leire Kortabarria, the IISL's Publications officer, and is offered as a bonus to the official programme. The contents are deeply aligned with the IISL's objective to foster Open Access.
As part two of the presentation, students will learn more about Sortuz, the IISL's journal of emergent socio-legal studies and one of its two Diamond Open Access socio-legal journals, along with Oñati Socio-Legal Series. This part of the presentation will be given by Leire Kortabarria, who is Sortuz's managing editor, and Izabela Zonato Villas Boas, who is Sortuz's academic editor.
Prof. Pierre Guibentif will give a presentation to Master's students and visiting scholars: "Socio-legal research must be and can be global. And you are part of it". The talk is an extracurricular activity for this year's students and the visiting scholars at the Institute.

Masterreko 2024/25 ikasturtea hasiko da, aurtengo ikasleekin, Jose Maria Sauca zientzia-zuzendariarekin eta Iker Nabaskues Masterreko zuzendariarekin.
Ikasturte honetan, bost kontinenteetako 13 herrialdetako 15 ikasle matrikulatu dira, eta astelehenean Oñatin izango dira gehienak; gainerakoak datozen egunetan ailegatuko dira. Herrialde hauetatik datoz: Espainia, Portugal, Frantzia, Erresuma Batua, Herbehereak, Austria, Letonia, Estatu Batuak, Egipto, Bangladesh, Irak, Turkia eta Australia. Horiek guztiak hautaketa-prozesu zorrotz batetik igaro dira, eta eskaeren kupoa bete da.

Udako oporrengatik itxita egongo da LSNE. Liburutegia, administrazioa eta beste zerbitzu guztiak martxan izango dira berriz irailaren 2an. LSNEko talde osoak abuztu ona opa dizue.