Kuzminich, Ihar

23 Urr 2015 -tik 24 Aza 2015 -ra

In the beginning of the 2015 – I have got Oñati Residence grant and this made possible for me to work in a Library of the International Institute for the Sociology of Law. Thanks to this Residence grant I worked in Library with materials from 23 Oct. till 25 Nov. 2015.

Living in Hrodna, Belarus I’m working on the dissertation “Influence of the Innovative forms and methods (Clinical legal education) on creating of the legal consciousness of the law students”. The most problem I had - was luck of articles and research papers connected to my topic in English language.

As I knew about Library of the International Institute for the Sociology of Law from my previous work in this Institute as a participant of the round table, I tried to get Oñati Residence grant in order to get possibility to find and work with results of other researchers in connected to my research fields. Such kind of information, data and the results of studies of Western researchers helped me verify of the results of my research provided in Belarus, Russia and Poland during last years.

During my stay in Oñati I’ve got possibility to work with the last materials on the topic of research. The work was really useful and effective, as I got the most important materials in English language.

The Library have collection of the most important literature in English connected to Legal Educations and interactive methods of teaching. The collection of legal journals in English from all parts of the world.

It is really easy to find necessary materials. If there are any difficulties – representatives of the library are open to help you and provide you with assistance.

The Residence, Library and Oñati itself create ideal conditions for work.

I need to say several most important words about the Director of the Institute – Adam Czarnota, and staff of the Institute and Library Malen Gordoa, Ainhoa Markuleta, Susana Arrese, Rakel Lizarralde, Elvira Muñoz and others who are open to help you in any problem you face during stay in Residence and work on you research.