Rhetoric, Communication, Negotiation
Schultz, Ulrike (FernUniversität in Hagen)
Sociological analysis of international law
Hirsch, Moshe (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Social Research Theory and Practice
Melville, Angela (Flinders University), Roach Anleu, Sharyn (Flinders University, Adelaide)
Anthropology of Law & Legal Pluralism
Hoekema, André (University of Amsterdam)
The Rule of Law: Law, Philosophy, Sociology, Politics & Reality
Krygier, Martin (The University of New South Wales)
A Sociology of Constitutionalism
Přibáň, Jiří (Cardiff University)
Sociology of Law and the Economy
Picciotto, Sol (Lancaster University), Ibarra, Lucero ( CIDE)
Gender. Prof.: Tamar Pitch
Pitch,Tamar (Università degli Studi di Perugia)
Migration. Profs.: Ruth Mestre and Iker Barbero
Mestre, Ruth (University of Valencia), Barbero, Iker (University of the Basque Country)
Criminal Justice: Global Perspectives
Hunter, Jill (The University of New South Wales)
Social Theory of Law
Commaille, Jacques (Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay), Ferrari, Vincenzo (International Istitute for the Sociology of Law - IISL)
Ferrari, Vincenzo (International Istitute for the Sociology of Law - IISL)
Socio-Legal Perspectives on Litigation
Mather, Lynn (SUNY Buffalo Law School)
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