Tanqueray, Laetitia

Laetitia Tanqueray is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Technology and Society, at Lund University, Sweden. Laetitia holds law degrees (LLB and Master 1) and a Master's (MSc) in Sociology of Law. She investigates human-robot interactions (HRI) from a socio-legal lens. Her published work has mostly focused on informing HRI design, including in collaboration with HRI experts in the context of peripartum depression and expanding on the notion of "mirroring norms".
Laetitia has also founded a student organisation, named "Hub AI" at Lund University. The aim of Hub AI is to dimistify AI and bring an interdisciplinary aspect as to why all types of students should be involved in understanding what AI is and why everyone should be part of the discussion in it.
Area(s) of expertise: Human Robot Interaction, Social Robots, Artificial Intelligence, Social Norms, Mirroring Norms, Sociology of Law