As is usual, the programme for this year's International Master course includes several open events, one of which will take place next Friday, 28 September: the open seminar called The Global Rise of Populism, by professor Bart van Klink (IISL, André-Jean Arnaud hall, ground floor, 11:00).
Professor van Klink will begin with a brief introduction to the concept of populism: what it is, how it manifests itself in political discourse, and to what extent it is a threat to democracy. Next, he will discuss with the students Laclau's formal conception of populism and Žižek's critique thereof. Finally, the practical implications of these divergent views will be discussed for today's Europe.
Bart van Klink is Professor of Legal Methodology and director of the research program Boundaries of Law at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He is interested in the relation between law and politics, populism, authority, rhetoric and arts. Recently, he co-founded the research group Societas Im/perfecta on the role of utopia and dystopia in contemporary society.