The IISL participate in the Global Meeting on Law & Society, which will take place in Lisbon (13-16 July). The conference will be held at ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon with organizational support from DINÂMIA’CET and CIES at ISCTE. It will be the 7th Global conference, which is held approximately every 5 years.
The Oñati IISL will be represented by a panel where its incumbent Scientific Director, Martin Ramstedt, will cover all of its activities and programmes, at a roundtable with Ulrike Schultz (RCSL) and Julia Maia Goldani (IISL alumna and member of the editorial team of Sortuz).
There will be activities organized by the Oñati Community, with participation of former and current students.
For more information, please download this document.