The IISJ is pleased to present the Mariella Carrino in memoriam Scholarship, endowed with €4,000, which was signed today, February 5, by Agostino Carrino, Mariella's father, on behalf of the Carrino family, and Maite Elorza, administrative director of the IISJ of Oñati. José María Sauca, scientific director of the IISJ, and Vincenzo Ferrari, Mariella Carrino's teacher, former scientific director of the IISJ and friend of the family, also participated in the event. Next, they presented the scholarship to the students of Oñati's international master's degree in Sociology of Law.
The scholarship has been created within the annual Mariella Carrino Program for the promotion of socio-legal research. Through this program, in memory of the late Mariella Carrino and her doctoral thesis work, published posthumously, her family wishes to promote scientific studies on social conflicts, housing policy and the right to housing, and thus facilitate the careers of young researchers interested in these topics, providing an annual financial contribution of €4,000 for this purpose. The bases are published on the IISJ website and can be read and downloaded at this link.