Following the success of the Special Issue about Race, Gender, Violence and Violation of Rights: Intersections in the 21st Century (https://opo.iisj.net/index.php/sortuz/issue/view/121), the Editorial Team of Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies (ISSN 1988-0847), is excited to announce a Special Issue of Sortuz: Socio-Legal Theory and Legal Education. We invite you to participate with a submission.
For this issue, Sortuz is welcoming articles that discuss, both through literature analysis, or empirical research, socio-legal theory and legal education. Contributions should therefore reflect on topics such as the development/current state of socio-legal theory; its intersection with other fields such as sociology, philosophy or legal dogmatics; or its application to legal education and legal practice. Papers discussing specific authors or theories linked to or influential in the socio-legal field are equally of interest. Finally, analysis of innovative experiences in legal education, curriculum changes and related phenomena are welcomed at this time.
The deadline for inclusion in the Special Issue is 15 July 2023. Submissions should be made on the regular platform (https://opo.iisj.net/index.php/sortuz/about/submissions). If you are interested in submitting a paper, please bear these requirements in mind:
Papers must be between 6,000 and 8,000 words in length; shorter or longer papers can be accepted if the length is justified;
Papers must include a title and, optionally, a subtitle; an abstract of no more than 200 words; a few key words; and a division in sections and subsections. They must end with some Conclusions.
Sortuz follows the Harvard referencing style; please observe this in your paper.
English, Spanish, or Portuguese are the preferred languages; if the paper is not written in English, please provide a translation into English of the title (and subtitle), abstract, and key words.
Sortuz strongly advocates for intergenerational collaborations, therefore, papers can be coauthored by a senior and a junior scholar. In the case of papers with more than one author, one or more of the authors should have at least a Bachelor’s degree in Law, Sociology, or a related discipline; or be enrolled or interested in a Master’s degree in these disciplines. A case-by-case decision will be made if needed.
Our journal is indexed in Scopus, Dialnet, DICE, Latindex 2.0, and Sherpa-Romeo, among others, and is in the second-top tier (A2) of Brazil’s Qualis classification of scientific journals.
Please direct any questions to the managing editor, Leire Kortabarria (l.kortabarria@iisj.es)