Ten scholars from universities of nine countries have gathered at the IISL to analyze Niklas Luhmann, on the 20th anniversary of his death. The workshop, called Niklas Luhmann 20 Years After. Constructing Law in World Society, is being chaired by Germano Schwartz (Uniritter-Brazil) and Aldo Mascareño (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez-Chile), according to whom, "Niklas Luhmann was one of the most original sociologist of the 20th century whose intellectual influence extended into the 21st century on the numerous fields his work addressed". Luhmann’s work "allowed sociology to enter in fruitful interchanges with the dynamic field of complexity sciences by constructing a common language and expanding the agenda of modern social theory to the conflicts and paradoxes of modern world society of our century".
This, the 16th, is also the last workshop of the season at the IISL. It has been a successful programme that has attracted over 400 academics from many countries, representing the five continents. Next year's programme is available on the IISL website.