
Three students defended their tesinas at the Institute

08 Oct 2019

Los estudiantes Hermann Vásquez, Ivan Daldoss y Amanda Kovalczuk, del curso 2018/2019, han defendido sus tesinas de máster en el Instituto recientemente, y han recibido ya sus títulos de máster. ¡Enhorabuena!

Hermann Vásquez defendió su trabajo...

The students visited Mondragon Corporation

08 Oct 2019

Our Master's students and professors visiting Mondragon Corporation and learning more about the history of the Cooperatives and how they work. Eskerrik asko, Ander Etxeberria!


Oñati Socio-legal Series publishes an issue about institutionalization of mediation

02 Oct 2019

Ya está disponible en la web el 4º número de este año de Oñati Socio-legal Series, dedicado esta vez a la mediación y su institucionalización.

Producto de un workshop celebrado en el IISJ, el número ha...

The Deusto students, with the IISL students and teachers.

International Deusto students visited us!

20 Sep 2019

Un grupo de estudiantes americanos que participan en el programa de formación de estudiantes internacionales de la Universidad de Deusto ha celebrado hoy, día 20, una de sus sesiones en el IISJ de Oñati, institución que visitaron para la ocasión. En la sesión de Oñati, a la que se sumaron...

A workshop from 2019.

The Institute is welcoming workshop proposals

18 Sep 2019

The International Institute for the Sociology of Law invites applications to hold workshops at its facilities in 2021. The Institute provides modern, full-equipped meeting rooms of various sizes, excellent accommodations in its Residence, arrangements at local restaurants at very reasonable...

New issue of Oñati Socio-legal Series: Regulating Climate Change: Governance and Legal Mobilization

02 Sep 2019

The IISL has just published the third issue of volume 9 of Oñati Socio-legal Series. This monograph is entitled Regulating Climate Change: Governance and Legal Mobilization, and has been edited by Anna-Maria Marshall (University of Illinois, Urbana-...

The International Congress: a Global Success!

24 Jun 2019

The IISL heartily thanks the co-organizers, supporting institutions and individuals, and all of the nearly 300 participants of the Linking Generations for Global Justice RCSL-IISL Joint Congress for having contributed to making this a memorable, highly successful event. [...

Ikerbasque Group Leaders 2019 call

11 Jun 2019

Ikerbasque would like to inform you that they have launched a new international call to reinforce scientific research in the Basque Country. They offer:
10 positions for Group Leaders

  • Permanent contract...

New book: "Fundamental Rights and Legal Consequences of Criminal Conviction"

06 Jun 2019

Number 62 of the Oñati International Series in Law and Society (Bloomsbury-Hart) has just come out. It is "Fundamental Rights and Legal Consequences of Criminal...
