Oñati-IISL eNewsletter - eBoletín del IISJ-Oñati | No. 49 2016 / 07 |
International Master's in the Sociology of Law | |||||||||||||
Remembemer you can also attend single courses of the programme [+info] [+Leaflet] [+Poster] [+Application procedures] Further information marije@iisj.es |
2016 workshops programme | |||||||||||||
Call for 2018 workshops - Total logistical and planning support! We welcome applications to organize a workshop in 2018. Enjoy modern, full-equipped meeting rooms, excellent accommodation, arrangements at local restaurants at very reasonable prices, free bus service from/to the nearest airport and train station. [+info] Further information malen@iisj.es Propuestas de workshops 2018 - Total ayuda logística y de organización! Os invitamos a presentar propuestas para celebrar una reunión en 2018. Os ofrecemos varias salas de reunión modernas y bien equipadas, excelente alojamiento, contactos con restaurantes locales a precios razonables, servicio de bus gratis desde/al, aeropuerto o estación ferroviaria más próxima. [+info] Más información malen@iisj.es |
Latest publications | |||||||||||||
Oñati International Series in Law and Society
Eds. Joanna Howe & Rosemary Owens In the global era, controversies abound over temporary labour migration; however, it has not previously been subjected to a sustained socio-legal analysis on a comparative basis, critiquing the underpinning concepts conventionally accepted as fundamental in this area. This collection of essays aims to fill that void. [+info] Table of contents - List of contributors - Introduction: Joanna Howe & Rosemary Owens - Book order at a 20% discount
Eds: Dirk van Zyl Smit, Catherine Appleton In many jurisdictions today, life imprisonment is the most severe penalty that can be imposed. Despite this, it is a relatively under-researched form of punishment and no meaningful attempt has been made to understand its full human rights implications. [+info] Table of Contents & Book order at a 20% discount - List of contributors - Introduction: Dirk van Zyl Smit, Catherine Appleton & Georgie Benford Vol. 6, n. 3 (July-September): Past, Present and Future of Sociology of Law Issue edited by Adam Czarnota (International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati - Spain; University of New South Wales, Sydney - Australia). Begicevic, A. Money as Justice: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 396-425. [+pdf] Branco, P. Courthouses as Spaces of Recognition, Functionality and Access to Law and Justice: A Portuguese Reflection. 426-441. [+pdf] Carlet, F. Las Luchas Quilombolas y el Poder Judicial Brasileño: el Caso de la Comunidad Paiol de Telha. 442-453. [+pdf] Costa, A.M.C. Os Limites ao Reconhecimento de Adolescentes e seus Contextos Jurídicos Culturais – uma Ilustração com o Caso Brasileiro. 454-476. [+pdf] Duarte, M., Oliveira, A., Fernando, P. Gender and Judging in Portugal: Opinions and Perceptions. 477-495. [+pdf] Ferreira, A.C. The Politics of Austerity as Politics of Law. 496-519. [+pdf] Henriques, M.P. Labour Human Rights in Portugal: Challenges to Their Effectiveness. 520-542. [+pdf] Hernández de Gante, A. Crisis del Sistema Jurídico Mexicano: entre la Reforma Penal y los Actores Sociales Contestatarios. 543-561. [+pdf] Ibarra Rojas, L. Collective Intellectual Property in Michoacán: Negotiating Economic and Cultural Agendas in the Artisanal Field. 562-583. Available from: +pdf] Krotoszyński, M. The Transitional Justice Models and the Justifications of Means of Dealing with the Past. 584-606. [+pdf] Melville, A., Arrese Murguzur, S. Perceptions of Teachers at the International Institute of Sociology of Law of International Student Diversity: Barriers, Enrichment or Cosmopolitan Learning? 607-631. [+pdf] Monciardini, D. Lawyers, Accountants and Financial Analysts: The “Architects” of the New EU Regime of Corporate Accountability. 632-655. [+pdf] Moons, N., Hubeau, B. Conceptual and Practical Concerns for the Effectiveness of the Right to Housing. 656-675. [+pdf] Olesen, A. Debt as a Criminal Risk Factor in Denmark. 676-706. [+pdf] Patrignani, E. Legal Pluralism as a Theoretical Programme. 707-725. [+pdf] Payero, L. El Esencialismo Constitucional: la Constitución Española al Servicio de la Unidad Nacional. 726-748. [+pdf] Peršak, N. Procedural Justice Elements of Judicial Legitimacy and their Contemporary Challenges. 749-770. [+pdf] Romani Sancho, L. La Posición de Mujeres y Hombres en los Primeros Puestos de las Listas Electorales: Impacto la de Presencia Equilibrada. 771-794. [+pdf] Salento, A. The Financialization of Companies in Italy. 795-815. [+pdf] Scamardella, F. Governance in Times of Globalisation: the Kaleidoscope of the Legal System. 816-836. [+pdf] Schömer, E. Sweden, a Society of Covert Racism: Equal from the Outside: Everyday Racism and Ethnic Discrimination in Swedish Society. 837-856. [+pdf] Schwartz, G., Costa, R.A. Fleck, A.S.B. How Does Football Influence the Political System and Juridify Social Movements? Brazil, June 2013. 857-876. [+pdf] Umaña, C.E., Pires, A.P. Derechos Humanos y Penas Radicales: ¿Crítica o Justificación? La Recepción del Derecho Internacional Humanitario en el Código Penal Colombiano. 877-900. [+pdf] Case studies Arrese Murguzur, S., Pérez-Perdomo, R. El Máster de Sociología Jurídica de Oñati: la Percepción de los Graduados. Oñati Socio-legal Series [online], 6 (3), 901-919. [+pdf]
Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-legal Studies: Vol. 8, n. 1 (2016) Articles Erhan Özcan: Network-mediated/facilitated Protests in Iran, Egypt and Turkey: Unwitting Leaders and a Test of Activists’ Patientia [+pdf] Sabrina María Villegas Guzmán: Una Aproximación a la Relación entre Derecho y Luchas por la Tierra en Comunidades Campesinas de Córdoba, Argentina [+pdf] Vicente Riccio, Paulo Fraga, Andre Zogahib, Mario Aufiero: Crime and Insecurity in Amazonas: Citizens and Officers’ Views [+pdf] Daniel Jiménez: Razones de Mercado-Estado y Economía Política del Crimen [+pdf] Book Reviews Arianna Jacqmin: Book Review: Grazia Mannozzi and Giovanni Angelo Lodigiani, 2015. Giustizia riparativa. Ricostruire legami, ricostruire persone (Restorative Justice. Rebuilding Relationships, Rebuilding People) [+pdf] Translations Sharyn Roach Anleu, Kathy Mack: Rendimiento Judicial y Experiencias del Trabajo Judicial: Hallazgos de la Investigación Socio-jurídica [+pdf] |
Library and Documentation Centre | |||||||||||||
Sharyn Roach Anleu, Ramino Ávila, Iker Barbero, Peter Fitzpatrick, Lynn Mather, Dave Whyte Bononia University Press, Hegoa, Uniwersytet Jagiellonskiego |
Oñati Institute Seminar Series | |||||||||||||
Raul Sanchez‐Urribarri: The politicization of high courts in hybrid regimes: A Discussion focused on the Venezuelan Case. 9 Nov [+info] Ilaria Lazzerini: The politicization of high courts in hybrid regimes: A Discussion focused on the Venezuelan Case. 3 Nov [+info] Camilo Umaña: Researching: five tools, multiple paths. 27 Sep [+info] |
Recent Visitors to the Institute / Han visitado el Instituto | |||||||||||||
You will find an unique atmosphere to research or write, with the best Library and Documentation Center [+] on Law and Society to make research Disfruta de un ambiente único para investigar o escribir, en la mejor Biblioteca y Centro de Documentación [+] sobre sociología jurídica para desarrollar tu investigación Visiting scholars / Investigadores visitantes
Conference on Empirical Legal Studies in Asia: Call for papers | |||||||||||||
Papers are selected through a rigorous peer review process. CELSA will consider empirical papers across all areas of law. Quantitative data analysis is preferred. Only submissions in English are considered. While authors are strongly encouraged to submit works-in-progress, submissions should be completed drafts that present main findings. Submitted papers must be unpublished (and expected to be unpublished at the time of the conference). If accepted, authors will have an opportunity to submit a revised draft prior to the conference. Each paper will be assigned a discussant and authors of accepted papers are expected to be willing to act as discussants of another paper. Although there is no commitment toward publication, conference speakers are invited to submit their papers to the Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. [+info] Call for Papers – Submission Deadline: 15 February 2017 Notifications on paper inclusion by mid-March 2017 Conference Dates: June 13–15, 2017 (Tuesday–Thursday) Please send logistics questions to Dr. Han-wei Ho at celsa@sinica.edu.tw |