Nikolopoulos, George

George Nikolopoulos is Professor of Criminology at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (Department of Sociology / Section of Criminology) and has also pursued a career as Attorney at Law at the Athens Bar Association.
He has studied at the Faculty of Law of the University of Athens (1982) and he holds a PhD in Criminology from the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium, 1993).
He has been:
• Ombudsman for Human Rights at the Greek Ombudsman’s Office and responsible for exercising the competence of the National Preventive Mechanism under the OPCAT (2016-2021);
• President of the Administrative Board of “Epanodos” - the Greek Official Centre for the Reintegration of Ex-Offenders (2010-2016);
• Member of the Central Scientific Council for Prisons (2016-2019).
His interests focus mainly on the criminal policy and the protection of human rights in the European Union, the social reintegration of ex-offenders, the criminological approach of literature, the migration question, the administration of criminal justice, etc.
His publications comprise:
• “Internationalization of criminal policy and criminalization of immigrants in the ‘area of freedom, security and justice’: An overview” in “The contemporary criminality, its confrontation and the science of criminology”.
Essays in honour of Prof. J. Farsedakis, Nomiki Bibliothiki Publications, Athens, 2011, vol. II, pp. 1385-1404.
• “The European Union as a criminal policy actor. The ‘Hague programme’ and its implementation”, Nomiki Bibliothiki Publications, Athens, 2008.
• “‘Beyond the state’: Aspects and ambiguities of the european social control ” in Essays in honour of Prof. Ioannis Manoledakis”, vol. II, Sakkoulas Publications, Athens – Thessaloniki, 2007, pp. 1129-1144.
• «La construction européenne d’ un espace de liberté de sécurité et de justice: les enjeux sociaux et politiques des contraintes représsives supraétatiques », in Th.Papathéodorou & Ph.Mary (Éds.), Mutations des politiques criminelles en Europe, Groupe européen de recherches sur la justice pénale & Université de Peloponnèse, Éditions Papazissis, Athènes 2006, pp. 279 – 300.
• «Crise de la gouvernementalité européenne: quelles implications pour l’agenda du contrôle social supraétatique?», in Th.Papathéodorou & Ph.Mary (Éds), Mutations des politiques criminelles en Europe, Groupe européen de recherches sur la justice pénale & Université de Peloponnèse, Éditions Papazissis, Athènes 2006, pp. 301- 325.
• “Reproaches and resistances around the concept of dangerousness: from the positivist paradigm to the theories of risk”, in “Essays in honour of Prof. Alice Yotopoulos – Marangopoluos”, vol. II, Nomiki Bibliothiki – Bruylant, Athens – Brussels, 2003, pp. 951-960.
• “State, penal power and european integration. A criminological approach”, Kritiki Publications, Athens, 2002.
• “Criminological reflexions about the concept of social exclusion”, in “Criminals and victims in the threshold of 21th century. Collective volume in honour of Prof. Elias Daskalakis”, National Centre for Social Research (ΕΚΚΕ), Athens, 2000, pp. 521-531.
Area(s) of expertise: Contemporary epistemological and theoretical issues in Criminology, Sociology of punishment, Human Rights, Migration
Visiting the Institute has been a dream for me since my PhD years!
Although I stayed for a few days as part of the "Erasmus training" programme, I had the opportunity to make use of the rich and multi-disciplinary library as well as to have creative discussions with the Scientific Director Prof. Sabine Frerichs and the extremely kind and willing help of the administrative staff (Ainhoa, Rakel).
It is an ideal place for study, scientific exchange, inspiration and creativity, which should certainly be part of the experience of every young or senior scholar. I made a promise to myself to come back many more times and to take advantage of all the opportunities it offers!