Do Amaral Vieira, Flavia

In 2019, when I applied for the Residence Grant of the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law, I was still a PhD student. With the pandemic, I was only able to finally come in January 2022, a month after my PhD defense. The delay in my arrival did not change my interest in spend a period researching at the IISJ.
Thus, during my Residence Grant, I was able to take advantage of the spaces of the Antia Residence and the IISJ Library, which provided the perfect concentration environment I needed to continue my research, write abstracts for conferences, send applications for my academic career, etc.
In my thesis, I investigated, from the decolonial critique, how the struggles for the creation of corporate-accountability mechanisms for human rights violations take place in the United Nations. I was especially interested in the process of capitalist appropriation in the Global South, and in particular in Brazilian Amazon, and on the role of civil society during the sessions of the UN Working Group that is negotiating a treaty on this topic. My conclusions reflect on the level of corporate capture in international institutions and the limits of human rights discourse.
Currently, as a postdoc researcher, I am interested in critical international law theory, especially TWAIL (Third World Approaches to International Law), and in socio legal perspectives for law and development. I selected a very interesting collection of books from the library that helped me in these studies.
Before concluding, I would like to highlight the very friendly exchange with IISJ staff and its master’s students and visiting scholars who were here in the same period as me. I also cannot fail to mention how fantastic the experience of being in contact with the region's nature was, as well as with the Basque culture.
Eskarrik asko! Gracias! Thank you.
Flávia do Amaral Vieira holds a PhD. in Law (Federal University of Pará, Brazil).
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