Varona, Gema

University of the Basque Country
More than thirty years of interdisciplinary criminological work, with 4 sexenios and Docentiaz accreditation. From my Law degree and Diploma in Criminology (UPV1987-1992), my academic record and early participation in conferences stand out, as well as a collaboration grant (IVAC) and a Diploma in Leuven on penal policies in Europe. My thesis on restorative justice received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award, along with other awards from the UAB and the International Society of Criminology. I have also obtained two medals of recognition, for his contributions in the field of mediation and in the field of Victimology, the latter by the JGU (India).
I have obtained research/training grants from different entities: Ombudsman's Office,United Nations Helsinki Institute,Fulbright Commission/Salzburg Seminar,Department of Education of the Basque Government,etc.
The CV details research activities carried out in, with and for other institutions such as the Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative and International Criminal Law (Freiburg, Germany), the network 'Intimate partner violence, risk and security: Securing women's lives in a global world' (Monash University, Australia), the University of Kiel (Germany), Simon Fraser (Canada), the Intervict Institute (Netherlands), the University of Guadalajara (Mexico), the Pontifical University of Chile, Global Jindal (India), UNED, CSIC, the University of Alicante, Eusko Ikaskuntza, the Department of Justice of the Basque Government, the Department of the Interior and the Directorate of Victims and Human Rights (Basque Government), the General Council of the Judiciary, the Public Prosecutor's Office, Penitentiary Institutions, the Ministry of the Interior, the Donostia 2016 Foundation and public mediation services.
My scientific work has focused on research and teaching in various degrees, Masters and Postgraduate courses. Along with numerous printed works, with translations published since 1989 and publications since 1994, it is worth mentioning her stay in research centres (Max-Planck Institute, Cambridge Institute of Criminology, International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Helsinki Institute, Intervict, India Jindal Global University, Pontificia Chile...) Many of these publications are the result of invited presentations at various national and international seminars and congresses, forming part of organising committees and international networks.
Invited to evaluate competitive research projects in Spain, Mexico, the Netherlands, Belgium and the EU and member of editorial teams of international journals.
Director of the IVAC, and member of the Board of the IVAC, president of the Basque Scientific Society of Victimology, linked to the World Society of Victimology (where she is a member of its Executive Committee), and co-editor of the Journal of Victimology/Journal of Victimology. Coordinator of the Criminology degree at the Faculty of Law (2014-2018), where I teach courses in English (Victimology; Criminal Policy), main author of two open manuals in Open Course Ware of the UPV/EHU, director of two MOOCs, coordinator of the Audiovisual Dictionary of Victimology Terms and co-director of the postgraduate course "Working with Victims", with a career spanning more than twelve years. Choosen member of Jakiunde, The Basque Academy of Science.
I have given media interviews, directed cultural projects and coordinated dissemination projects in the Science Week and the Fair organised by the Elhuyar Foundation, my work is open access, following principles of transparency, dissemination and public service in research, and I presented in Hong Kong the candidacy for the International Symposium on Victimology, held for the first time in Spain, in 2022, and of which I was its director.