Costs of your stay

Student Expenses 2025-26

We can provide the following estimate of the minimum you would need for your expenses during your stay in Oñati. You are required to be here from 22 September 2025 to 27 March 2026, which is six months plus one week (to be confirmed). From April you can return to your country to write your Master’s thesis which can be submitted electronically. So the estimate of your formal expenses is:

  • Regular fee: 4250 € : in compliance with the formal agreement between the IISL and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (Art. 11.2) the regular fee includes tuition and additional services provided by the IISL.
    Once the final list of admitted students is published on July 21st and in order to formally secure your place in the program, you will have to make a deposit of 292,05€ directly through the UPV/EHU platform between 22 and 24 July 2025 (please note Spanish/CEST time). 
    This is essential in order to proceed with the enrollment, as it shows your commitment to accept the place offered to you.
    After that date you should receive a letter of confirmation of your participation in the program together with proof of net transfer of the deposit fee of approximately 300 euros.
    The deposit amount will be subtracted from the total amount of the regular tuition fee (4,250 €), but will not be refunded in case you finally decide to cancel your registration and withdraw from the Master's program.
    The remaining 3950 euros must be paid to the IISL by bank transfer before the date indicated by the IISL, so in the weeks following the reservation of your place, you will receive from us a request for payment of the remaining tuition fees.

The account number for the payments to the IISL is:

Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Oñati (Gipuzkoa, Spain)
International Code of Bank Account
IBAN ES84 0182 0326 1000 1052 9952
Bank Identification Code BBVAESMMXXX
Concept: “YOUR SURNAME Master Deposit”

Please send confirmation and proof of payments by email to the Master Coordination Team

  • Lodging: If you are lodging at the Antia Hall of Residence, please read the Lodging Terms and Conditions page for an up-to-date information about pricing.
  • Deposit for the Residence: 497€ (this amount will be refunded after checking the room at the end of the stay and verifying that there are no breakages or damages)
  • Estimation of other expenses to be taken into account:
    • Beyond formal costs referred above (concept A), we offer you below an estimation, just for your better infornation,  about the costs of your air travel, daily living including meals There is a kitchen in the Residencia shared by the students, so that you can prepare your own food. The Residencia also has washing machines for you to do your laundry-,  and insurance (concept B). How much someone may need for all that is certainly a matter of appreciation. Some people expends more and others need less but these are costs that you shall also consider before leaving your country.
    • Medical and Travel Insurance for your stay in Spain: The Institute does not assume any costs related to health care delivered to the students. Unfortunately, instances of students having an accident or falling ill are not uncommon, so please consider that it might happen in your case. Students from EU member states should obtain an EHIC card before coming. Non EU students should ensure that they are covered by medical insurance for their entire stay prior to arrival in Spain. We also recommend travel insurance for your trip. Please take care of yourself and your belongings on your journey.

According to our experience, the overall average amount of A + B ranges usually between 10000 € and 12000 €. This total amount is significantly below any other estimation you may do for making a Masters Degree in UK, Australia or the USA, and even Canada, and slightly below or comparable to the overall costs ofthe of making a Masters Degree in continental Europe or Latin America.

In addition, please bear in mind you will need to be able to support yourself for the remainder of the programme April-September while completing your thesis, without taking on any other substantial work. This is a full-time programme, and cannot be completed while also working on another job.

For more information: 

Master Coordination Team

IISL Master Coordination Team
Avenida de la Universidad, 8
Apartado 28
20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa) - Spain
T.: +34 943 78... Ver teléfono