Photos: Welcome party (September 2023) - Friendship dinner and Fiestas of Oñati (October 2023)
The Friendship Programme offers international visitors (students, teachers and researchers) and local people the chance of mutual cultural exchange, unforgettable experiences and improving their language skills. Oñati Friends from the local community make it possible to learn about Basque/Spanish culture and everyday life.
This programme is part of the Oñati Community programme.
All activities within the Friendship Programme are voluntary, which means that the international visitors and the "Oñati Friends" decide on their own how much and in what way they want to spend time together. Also the international visitors can suggest activities.
Who are the Friends?
Participants on the programme are ordinary local people living in Oñati or surroundings.
Photo: Amaia Urmeneta, from Oñati, with Prof. Joachim Savelsberg in Aranzazu)
How to take part in the Friendship Programme?
1. The Friendship Programme aims to promote internationalisation and knowledge of new cultures among both international students/visitors and local friends.
2. The programme is voluntary, and the international students/ visitors and their local friends decide for themselves how and when they meet.
3. Feedback will be collected from both local friends and students/visitors in writing at the end of the term. This will help to develop and improve the programme.