Ferrari, Vincenzo

International Istitute for the Sociology of Law - IISL (Spain)
Vincenzo Ferrari, born 1940, received his laurea (LLM) from Milan University with full marks in 1962. Soon he became a lawyer and has been a member of the Milan Bar ever since. Simultaneously, he started his academic career under the lead of Renato Treves. Initially an assistant at Milan University’s Law School, he then read Sociology of law in Cagliari and Bologna Universities’ Law Schools, as a full professor since 1980. Called back to his Milan Alma Mater in 1990, he opted for a full time academic commitment in 2000. Besides his teaching that continued until his retirement in 2011 and his nomination as emeritus, he was dean of the Law School, director of the Doctoral School of Law, president of the University’s Committee of Ethics and rector’s delegate at international relations, especially concerned with the activities of the prestigious League of European of Research Universities.
Professor Ferrari has always been active on the international arena. He visited a number of high-ranking non-Italian universities, is honorary professor of the Universidad Externado de Colombia and the Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, as well as doctor h.c. of the Universities of Rosario, Buenos Aires and Zaragoza. A member of the ISA-RCSL since 1969, he served as vice president (1986-1990) and president (1990-1994). As a member of the ISA Executive Committee (1994-2002) he contributed to amending the ISA Statutes and to drafting the ISA’s Code of Ethics. Helped by his collaborators, he was the chief organizer of the RCSL meetings in Cagliari (1979), Bologna (1988) and Milan-Como (2008). He was among the founders of the Oñati Institute and a Board member from 1989 to 2002.
Vincenzo Ferrari is author or editor of more than 200 scientific publications. Among his writings as author one can mention Funzioni del diritto (1987, Spanish ed. Funciones del Derecho, 1989, 2014, Greek edition Leitourgies tou Dikaiou, 1992), Giustizia e diritti umani (1995), Lineamenti di sociologia del diritto. Azione giuridica e sistema normativo (1997, Spanish ed., Acción jurídica y sistema normativo,2000), Diritto e società (2004, Spanish ed. Derecho y Sociedad,2012), Prima lezione di sociologia del diritto (2010, Spanish ed. Primera lección de sociología del derecho, 2015). Among his works as editor, see e.g. R. Dahrendorf, Intervista sul liberalismo e l’Europa (1979), translated into German, Spanish and Brazilian, Developing Sociology of Law - A world-wide documentary enquiry (1990), as well as the Italian editions of M. Ginsberg, On Justice in Society (1981), G. Peces-Barba, Curso de derechos fundamentales (1993), R.L. Abel, Speech and Respect (1996) and H.S. Maine, Ancient Law (1998).