Surprenant, Hughes

Master thesis: 
L’Education à la citoyenneté comme forme de socialisation juridique: pour une prise de conscience de ses droits et devoirs fondamentaux dans une perspective contemporaine
Experience in Oñati: 

Broden my horizons that's for sure! Nourished my curiosity. Interested me in many topics. Basically, I use my studies at the IISL as a lens through which I see things, analyse my work and make choices in my life. So yeah! It was useful The “Red Room”: Where everyday I made my readings and notes for the courses. Spend a lot (!) of time there. I simply made it my office! Friends: Rigel, Michelle, Raja, Gustavo, Bernat, Larraitz, Inaki. Was lucky enough to see them in recent years after we graduated. Hope to see them again.