Comparative Legal Culture
Bengoetxea, Joxerramon (University of the Basque Country)
Islamic Legal Cultures and Accommodation of Islam in Europe
Sakrani, Raja (Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Recht als Kultur”, Bonn)
Legal Anthropology: An Introductory Guide to Legal Pluralism
Seidel, Katrin (Max Plack Institute for Social Anthropology)
Research Design and Quantitative Approaches
Roach Anleu, Sharyn (Flinders University, Adelaide)
Qualitative Approaches to Research
Amietta, Santiago (Keele University)
Law and Media
Nabaskues, Iker (University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU)
Law and Gender
Bello, Barbara (Universitá degli Studi di Milano)
Socio-Legal Research: Practical issues in planning and doing research
Roach Anleu, Sharyn (Flinders University, Adelaide), Amietta, Santiago (Keele University)
Justice, Security and Public Safety beyond the Police
Nafstad, Ida (Lund University), Parsa, Amin (Örebro University/Lund University)
International Law & Collective Memory
Hirsch, Moshe (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Socio-Legal Approaches to Human Rights
Morondo, Dolores (Human Rights Institute, University of Deusto), Urrutia Asua, Gorka (Human Rights Institute, University of Deusto)
Human Dignity in Legal Procedures
Relaño Pastor, Eugenia (Complutense University, Madrid)
Understanding Safety, Risk and norms in the Global Economy through the lens of Sociology of Law: The Case of Aviation
Woodlock, John (Lund University), Frerichs, Sabine (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
Thesis Research Colloquium and Tutorials
Frerichs, Sabine (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
Sociology of the Rule of Law: Politics, Economics and Social Transitions
Přibáň, Jiří (Cardiff University)
Avenida Universidad 8 - Apartado 28 20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa) Spain
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